Tip 157 ”Just go with the flow.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第157弾は、”Just go with the flow.” です。


“I’m going to protest this new rule.”「この新しい規則、抗議するわ。」と言いました。

“You should follow the rule like everyone.”「他の人みたいに規則に従うべきだよ。」

“Just go with the flow.”「流れに身を任せたら。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

words and phrases video series and
today's phrase

is "Just go with the flow."

Just go with the flow. Very natural. It
sounds really cool when you say this

phrase because

go and "flow" kind of rhyme

right. Just go with the flow. What does
this mean? We will find out

but first let's do our test okay

so I say "I heard you had a big fight
with Kato-san...

everyone is talking about it." and you say...

"No no. It's been blown out of

That's right. Did you get that? Okay good.

All right let's go on to today's phrase

Just go with the flow okay and here's
what I sometimes hear

so let's imagine that there's this new

company rule. Okay for example

you must wear... or you must

arrive at the office by 7 a.m.

whatever, there's some new company rule
and I don't like this rule

so I tell Taro "I'm going to

this new rule. I'm going to complain." and Taro says

Hika, Hika, you should

follow the rule like everyone. Okay this
is OK

but I'm a little bit upset. I'm a little angry

and he's telling me you SHOULD follow
the rule

so it's not a good phrase to use

telling someone they should do
something when they are angry

is not so good. Not good advice. So, a more kind of

natural way to say "Relax,...

follow the rule like everyone else."

we can say this: so if I say

I'm gonna protest this new rule. I don't like it.

and Taro says...

Just go with the flow. Very kind of

Relax, calm down. Just follow everyone.

okay, very kind of soft idiom.

okay just go with the flow. Okay let's
look at pronunciation

so it "Jus(t) go with the flow". Jus(t) go with the flow

you try... Good. Okay

with my sentence "I'm gonna protest this
new rule."


maybe you're right. Maybe I'll just
go with the flow.

Okay just like that. Okay for homework

I'm gonna complain, I'm gonna say "I'm
going to protest this new rule."

and you say... Just go with the flow

very natural. Please remember this and we will see you

next time. Thank you.


