Tip 164 ”down the road” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第164弾は、”down the road” です。


“When are we going to become number 1?”「うちらはいつNo.1になるのかな?」と聞きました。

“In the future, maybe 10 years later.”「将来、たぶん10年後かな。」

“That’s still 10 years down the road.”「これから10年先だね。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

words and phrases video series and
today's idiom is "down the road." There's

the road... down down down the road. What does this mean? We will find out but

first let's do our test. So I say to you "I'm going to take my promotion test. I'm a

little bit nervous" and you say... that's right. Don't drop the ball, OK.

Don't drop the ball.

It's kind of a joke; kind of like good luck; don't make a mistake.

OK, I hope you got that. Let's go on to
today's idiom "down the road"

OK, so let's imagine Taro and I are
talking about the future. The future of

our company and I say to Taro: So when
are we going to become number one in

this industry? You know, we're number four, number five... when are we going to become

number one? And Taro says: In the future


10 years later. OK. This sentence is okay,
but to give it more of a really natural

sound; to make it into one smooth sentence we can say this. So I say to Taro: Well when

are we going to become number one in
this industry? And he says: Well that's still

ten years down the road.

Very natural! Ten years into the future.
We can become number one. That's still

ten years down the road. It's a real natural phrase. I think it's very difficult for students to

use this, but if you can use it you sound
really natural. That's still ten years down

the road.

OK let's look at pronunciation. That'still... you could put those words together.

That'still ten years down the road.
That'still ten years down the road. You

try... OK with my question: When are we
going to become number one?

Yeah, I think you're right. Perfect. OK for
homework next time, I will ask you: When

are we going to become number one? And you say:

That's still ten years down the road. Please remember this and we will see you next time.

Thank you.


