Tip 169 ”Snap out of it” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第169弾は、”Snap out of it” です。

Tip167では、”Don’t let this get you down”(そんなに落ち込むなよ。)

“I can’t believe I made such a silly mistake.”


“Change your mind. Just forget about it.”

“Snap out of it. Just forget about it.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series and

today's phrase is "Snap out of it."

Snap out of it. Great idiom or idiom and
phrase that you can use. OK let's first

do our test. OK, so I asked you "So, when's Yuta coming back from vacation?

From Paris?" You say... Perfect.

Beats me. Not just "I don't know." ok so let's go on to today's

phrase, "Snap out of it.'

OK, so here's what I sometimes hear --

so I say: I can't believe I made such a silly mistake.

OK, I made a mistake. I'm feeling
blue. OK before we learned, you know

Don't let this get you down

is a great phrase for this
situation. But if Taro says you know

Change your mind! Change your mind.

Don't be negative. Just forget about it.
He wants to say this with passion.

OK, but "change your mind" it's kind of a
strange phrase in this case

Change your mind. Just forget about it.

A more natural way to say this is like

You know I can't believe I made such a silly mistake.

And Taro says:

Snap out of it. Just forget about it.

You don't have to snap, but this is... this
is a snap. But it means like change your

mind. Snap out of it.

Get out of this negative feeling. OK, just
forget about it. Useful. Very useful.

OK, let's look at pronunciation its

Snapoutavit... Just forgetaboutit.

Just forget about it. OK, you try. Snap out of it. Just forget about it... Good!

OK with my sentence: I can't believe I
made such as silly mistake...

Perfect! OK for homework I'm going to say

I can't believe I made such a silly mistake next time, and you say...

That's right. Snap out of it. Just forget about it.

Please remember this and we will see you next time. Thank you.


