Tip 170 ”bend over backwards” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第170弾は、”bend over backwards” です。


“OK, I’ll work on it this weekend to finish it.”


“Please don’t work too much.It’s not that important.”

“Hika, no need to bend over backwards. It’s not that important.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series and today's idiom is

bend over backwards. Bend over
backwards. Very difficult to do -- to bend

over backwards. What does this mean? We will find out, but first let's do our test.

OK so I'm feeling really negative
right now very bad. I can't believe I

made such a silly mistake. And you say... not "change your mind" but...

Snap out of it. Just forget about it.

Very good! OK, I hope you got that
lets go on to today's idiom

bend over backwards. OK what does this mean? Here's what I sometimes hear --

so let's imagine Taro asked me to do some job. Some task.

Maybe translate a report from Japanese to English.

OK, so translate it. I say:

OK, I'll work on it this weekend to finish it.

I'll work on Saturday. I'll work on Sunday and I'll do it for you.

And Taro says:

Hika, please don't work too much.
It's not that important.

OK, it's not a very natural sentence. You know, "Please don't work too much."

So Taro wants to say "don't work extra hard."

You know, it's not such an important task. So you could do it on Monday.

OK, no need to "bend over backwards."

OK, so a natural way to say this is like
this --

So, if I say: Taro, I'll work on it this weekend to finish it.

I'll work on Saturday and Sunday until midnight.

He says "Hika, no need to bend over backwards. It's not hat important."

No need... you don't need to work on the weekend

bend over backwards
to finish it it's not that important.

A really natural way to say this. It means doing extra work

specially hard, you know.

Bend over backwards.

OK, let's look at pronunciation it's
No nee'to... No nee'to

bendover... No nee'to bendover backwards. It'snot tha(t) important. You try...

OK, with my sentence: I'll work on it this
weekend to finish it.

Oh, then I'll take my time. Perfect.

OK for homework. So next time I'm
gonna ask you... I'm gonna say:

I'll work on it this weekend to finish the report.

And you say... that's right.

You don't need to bend over backwards. It's not that important.

Please remember this and we will see you next time. Thank you.


