Tip 174 ”It’s crunch time.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第174弾は、”It’s crunch time.” です。


“Taro, wow this year’s almost finished. It’s already November, we only have one more month.”


”Yes, it’s important time. Let’s meet our targets.”


“Yes, it’s crunch time. Let’s meet our targets.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series and

today's useful phrase is "It's crunch
time." Not lunch time.

Its crunch time.
What does this mean? We will find out.

but first let's do our test. so...

I'm gonna ask you for advice:
I'm having dinner with a client tonight.

Should I pay for the client?
Should I pay for dinner? And you say...

That's right.
As a rule of thumb, you should pay.

OK let's go on to today's phrase
It's crunch time.

So let's imagine Taro and I are colleagues, and I say:

Taro, wow this year's almost finished. It's already November, we only have one more month.

And Taro says:
Yes, it's important time. Let's meet our targets.

OK so Taro wants to say
"Well we only have one month remaining


maybe if he said "its AN important time"
it's a little better

but it's not really natural. OK so maybe during a project where it's a key important period

or like in this case at the end of the year,
we don't have much time

so we must focus and work hard it's a very serious atmosphere

we can say this: So I say:
Wow, this year's almost finished.

And Taro says:
Yes, it's crunch time. Let's meet our targets.

Very natural! OK? So it's that period where we need to focus now.

Now is the key time. We call that "crunch time."

OK it could be used for projects, the year-end.
It could be even in a sports game.

You know, like soccer. If you like
soccer and you go into overtime

you know you have two minutes left where the score's tied.

It's crunch time. We need to get that last goal.

So, pronunciation.

Yes, it's crunch time. Let's meetour targets.

OK you try...

Good.OK with my sentence:
Wow, this year's almost finished...

OK I will work hard.
For homework, I will say:

Wow, this year's almost finished. And you just say...

Yes, it's crunch time. Let's meet our

OK, please remember this and wewill see you next time. Thank you.


