Tip 178 ”Point taken.”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第178弾は、”Point taken.” です。



“Taro, you should review your costs. They seem high.”


”I understand your point.”


“OK, point taken.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series

and today's phrase is "Point Taken."

A great phrase that you can use at your office.

OK, but before we talk about this let's
do our test.

So let's imagine you ordered a PC -- a computer -- from the IT department,

and you waited and waited and waited and

finally it has arrived. So I say to you:

Your new computer has just arrived.

What do you say?
That's right.

Well it's about time.

So you want to show your frustration
for waiting for so long.

OK. So it's a great or common phrase.

OK let's go on to "Point taken"

Okay, but let's first look at what I
sometimes hear.

OK so let's imagine this time I am Taro's boss

and i'm looking at Taro's department's financial figures

and I say:

Taro, you should review your costs. They
seem high.

They're too high.
And Taro says:

I understand your point.

Which is a good phrase.
Taro wants to say

I understand your concern

but he doesn't want to say
whether he agrees or disagrees.

Because if he says, you know,

I understand your point, but I disagree.

If he says that, then his boss will be like

What? Why do you disagree?
You know, and attack him

If he says
I understand your point, and I agree

Then, but Taro doesn't really agree inside and that's not good.

So Taro wants to show that understands his point

but he wants to hide the fact of
whether he agrees or not.

He doesn't want to say
I agree with you or "I disagree with you."

In this case it's very good to say this...
OK, so if I say:

You know, you should review your costs. They seem high.

And he says:

OK, point taken.

A great phrase, because
he's saying "Yeah, I understand your point."

But, I'm not going to say whether
I agree or disagree with you.

You know, there're situations like that

when your boss or or someone makes a comment,
and you understand their comment.

You understand their point, but you're
not sure if you agree or disagree with them.

That's a good time to use this phrase:
Point taken.

I understand your point,

but I'm not sure if I agree
or disagree yet.

Point taken.

OK, great phrase.
So let's look at pronunciation.

We have two T's
so it's not

poinT Taken,
but poin' taken.

Point taken.
You try...

Ok, so let's try with my sentence:

You should review your costs. They seem high.

OK. Good. All right so for homework
next time I will say:

You know, you should review your costs.
They seem high.

And you say...
OK, point taken.

All right, let's remember this
and we will see you next time.

Thank you.


