Tip 185 ”Take it with a grain of salt.”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第185弾は、”Take it with a grain of salt.” です。





“”Hika, Hika, don’t care about it. He’s not an expert either.
He has no sales experience. Don’t care about it. ”



“Take it with a grain of salt. He’s not an expert either.”


※ take~with a grain of salt


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series.
And we have a very common idiom.

Take it with a grain of salt. OK,
it's a bit long, but it's used quite often,
especiallyin the office.

OK, so we'll learn this but
first let's do our test. OK so.

Taro and I are colleagues. You are I are colleagues.
And I say, you know our sales target is impossible.

We can't achieve this. You say. There you go.

"It's within the realm of possibility."

Just. Your English just sounds a little more
sophisticated when you say this. OK good.

Let's go on to today's idiom.

Take it with a grain of salt. You know salt. Right. Sugar,salt, pepper,salt.
And the little crystal.
Each little crystal, you call it a grain or granule.
So a grain of salt. OK, what does this mean?

Well here's what I sometimes hear.
So let's imagine Taro's my colleague. And
I'm a little upset. And I say Taro
my boss said my sales skills are weak. And Taro says.

"Hika, Hika, don't care about it.
He's not an expert either. He has no sales experience.
Don't care about it. "

OK this is OK. The English is a little bit strange.
Don't care about it. Don't worry about it. Do think too much of it.

So what's a more natural way to say this?
Well, we can say this. So if say,

"Yeah you know my boss said my sales skills are weak.
I'm depressed. I'm sad. "

And Taro says

"Take it with a grain of salt. He's not an expert either."

Very natural.

OK so. You can imagine this feedback.
My boss' feedback is very difficult to swallow.

You know it's bad feedback.
It tastes bad. So I can't swallow it.

It's just stuck here. OK. But if you put a little bit of salt on it,
and you can say a pinch of salt too.

Take it with a pinch of salt. So it means eat it with a little bit of salt.
And it goes down more smoothly.

It's easier to eat.
So take it with a grain of salt means you know just accept it.

Don't enjoy it.
Just accept it and forget about it.
OK, it's great advice.

So if someone gets bad feedback or someone says something negative
and they're feeling blue,

You can take it with a grain of salt. OK.

Don't worry about it.
OK, it's a common phrase used in that situation.

OK so, let's look at pronunciation.
It's take it. Take it with a grain of salt.

Take it with a grain of salt.
He's not an expert either.

That second line.
He's not an expert either.
They connect very nicely.

So take it with a grain of salt.
He's not an expert either.

You try.

Good OK.

With mysentence.
My boss said my sales skills are weak.

I guess you're right. OK, perfect. OK

for homework. Next time I'm going to say,
yeah my boss says my sales skills are weak.
And you say,

that's right.

Take it with a grain of salt.
He's not an expert either.

Please remember this. And we'll see you next time.

Thank you.


