Tip 194 ”a go-getter”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第194弾は、”a go-getter” です。



“Wow, Yuki got another big contract.She’s a super saleswoman.”


“Yes, she’s aggressive.”


“Yes, she’s a go-getter.”

と言ってみましょう! 「やり手」「敏腕」「実力派」といった意味の、実行力・実現力のある自発的にものごとに取り組む人のことを指す、とても自然な表現です。


Hello, everyone. Welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is

Go-getter. What does this mean?
We will find out but

first let's do our test.
So I have a bit of a problem

OK, I say: Hey there's something wrong
with the code in this program

I have to look through all these pages to find it. And you say...

Yeah, there you go.

It'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
It's impossible to find.

OK, I hope you got that.
A needle in a haystack.

OK, let's go on to today's idiom.
a "go-getter."

Here's what I sometimes hear --
so let's imagine I'm talking to my

colleague, Taro, and there's another
colleague, Yuki. And I say to Taro:

Wow, Yuki got another big contract.
She's a super saleswoman.

And Taro says:
Yes, she's aggressive.

OK, I often hear this, you know, from my students.

He's aggressive or "she's aggressive"
and they want to see it in a good way like

they work hard and they're hungry, you
know, to succeed. But aggressive also has...

it has that meaning, but it also has like someone who wants to fight -- that

kind of meaning. Like an angry dog
is aggressive. You know, they bite.

They want to... you know, someone who wants to
fight a lot, or verbally or physically

fight, we say they're aggressive. OK, so
it's not used so commonly in this case.

Like Yuki's a very hard-working, hungry
business person.

OK, in that case we can say this --
So I say:

Taro, wow, Yuki got another big contract.
She's great!

And Taro says:
Yes, she's a go-getter.

OK, that's nice. So she's hungry,
you know, she gets results.

But she doesn't fight. So "go-getter"
is more suitable in that situation.

Are you a go-getter? I'm a go-getter.
OK, so let's look at pronunciation

it's yes -- with a pause and -- she'sa

Yes, she'sa go-getter.
Yes, she'sa go-getter. You try...

OK, with my sentence:
Wow, Yuki got another big contract.

Yeah, I think you're right.

OK, so for homework next time I will say:
Wow, Yuki got another big contract.

And you just say:
She's a go-getter.

Please remember this, and
we'll see you next time. Thank you.


