Tip 199 ”a man of few words” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第199弾は、”a man of few words” です。


“You know, Taro, Masa is always so quiet in our meetings. He doesn’t say anything.”



“Ah yes, he is shy. But he speaks if it is very important.”


“Yes, he’s a man of few words.”



Hi Everyone. Welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series
and today's idiom is "A man of few words."

Not many words. Just
a few. What does this mean?

We will find out but first, let's do our test.
So you are having a bad day. You're sad, okay?

And I say "Hey,don't worry, it's the bad days that make
the other days seem good." And you say...?

That's right, "Oh Hika, you have a way with words."
I'm very good at saying the right thing at the right time.
I hope you got that.

Okay, let's go on to today's idiom,
"A man of few words." I like this idiom because a
lot of people around me are like this. Okay?

So let's find out what this means.
Here's what I sometimes hear.

So, I'm talking to Taro, my colleague. And I say to Taro,
"You know, Taro, Masa is always so quiet in our meetings.
He doesn't say anything."
Taro says, "Ah yes, he is shy. But he speaks if it is very important."

Okay, I can understand so
Masa is a shy guy and he sometimes speaks,
but only when he has something very important to say.

Yeah, I think there are many people like that,especially like craftsman,
like the shoku-nin, right?

They're quiet and the image of a shoku-nin is they're quiet,
they don't say much,

but they're always thinking and when they speak,
it's usually something very very important.

Right? We can imagine that. But there's a
better way to say this. To express this.

So If I say to Taro, I say "Yeah, Masa is always
so quiet in our meetings. He doesn't say anything."

Taro says, "Yes, he's a man of few words."
Okay,I can understand. He's a quiet person and

he will speak when he has something very important
to say. It's that type of person.

"A man of few words." Maybe like me.
No, actually I talk too much.

So maybe not like me. Maybe you know someone like this.
"A man of few words." Okay, let's look at pronunciation.

It's yes, he's a man of...yes he's a man of
few words. Yes, he's a man of few words. You try...

Good, okay with my sentence.
"Yeah, Masa is always so quiet in our meetings."...

I see, I see". Perfect. Okay for homework next time
I will say, "Masa is so quiet in our meetings."

And you say, "Yes, he's a man of few words."
Please remember this and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


