“It has your name on it”の意味と使い方 Bizmatesビジネス英会話 Tip 241

It has your name on it ってどういう意味?

It has your name on it は “It belongs to you” や “It’s yours” をちょっとひねった言い方です。日本語では「あなたのものですよ」という意味です。


It has your name on it ってどういう場面で使うの?


Hika: Taro, I’ve heard there is a new project.
Taro: Yeah, it has your name on it.
Hika: Really!? It’s mine!?

Hika: 太郎さん、どうやら新しいプロジェクトが始まるそうですね。
Taro: ええ。あなたのものですよ。
Hika: 私のなんですか!?


It has your name on it の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、It has your name on it の発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方をBizmatesのプレゼンター Hikaが解説します。


Hey everyone! Welcome to this Bizmates

words and phrases video series and

today's idiom is
"it has your name on it."

Your name on it. What does it mean?

We will find out, okay? So let's look at my

example. Now here's what I sometimes hear:

So let's imagine I'm talking to my

colleague, Taro, and I say: Taro,

I've heard there's a new project.

And Taro says:

Yes, it's for you.

Very simple. OK, this

sentence has no problem,
"it's for you."

The project is yours -- your project. But it

just sounds a little too simple, a little

bit boring, right? It's for you. Okay so

how can we make this sentence a little

bit more exciting? It's for you! This

project is for you! Okay, well we can use

this phrase. Here we go. So if I say: Taro,

I've heard there's a new project.

And Taro says:
Yes, it has your name on it.

Then, I'll feel very excited. Wow a new project for me?

Perfect. Okay, it has your name on it.

Of course my name is not on the

project but he is just saying "this

project is for you." It's a more exciting

way to say that. OK so let's look at

pronunciation, so it's:
Yes, -- with a pause --

Yes, it has your name onit -- onit...

it has your name onit.
Yes, it has your name on it. You try.

Perfect. Okay with my sentence:

I've heard there's a new project.

Wow, great! Perfect. Okay? So you can use this

at your office or in your daily life,

okay? If you want to say "yes, it's for you"

you can say "it has your name on it."

OK, so please remember this. For homework, so if someone says:

I've heard there's a new project, you

just say...

That's right. Yes, it has your

name on it. Please remember this and

we'll see you next time.


