Tip 38 ”What are my chances?” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第38弾は、”What are my chances?” です。

例えば、上司から “You may be selected to work overseas.” 「君は海外勤務できるかもしれないよ。」

“percentage” をつかった聞き方が思い浮かんだのではないでしょうか。

“What are my chances?”


Hello and welcome to this words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's question, a good one is
What are my chances?

Doesn't that sound nice?
What are my chances?

OK, so let's learn about this.
But first, let's do our test.

OK, I asked you last time.

Tell me something that you found engaging in the past.

OK. Some sort of musical or play?

Or someone's speech?
Maybe your president's speech was really engaging. OK.

OK, so...

Let's go on to today's question a useful one.

What are my chances?

We use this when we want to know probability.



Let me show you.

Here's what I often hear.

So I say, Taro.

Imagine I'm Taro's boss this time.
Usually Taro's my boss, this time I'm Taro's boss.

And I say Taro, you may be selected to work overseas.

You may be transferred overseas.

And Taro says, Oh really? Maybe I will be transferred overseas.

What percentage do you think I will go?

What percentage do you think?
Oh, you want to know 50%, 60% chance that...

I see.

OK, so I understand what he means.
But that's kind of a strange question.

What percentage do you think I will go?

So a better question is like this.
So I say Taro,

You may be selected to work overseas.
Transferred overseas soon.

And he says, oh really?

What are my chances?
That's all.

Well, what are my chances?

Oh, I'd say fifty-fifty.

I'd say about 20% chance.
Or 10% chance, 90% chance.

What are my chances?

If you wanna make it a little bit longer, it's okay too.
What are my chances of being transferred overseas?

Or something like that.
What are my chances of working abroad?

What are my chances? What are my chances?
What are my chances of ing. OK.

But let's look at pronunciation.

It's not what are but it's whatare.

Whatare my chances?
Whatare my chances?

And it could be used in so many situations.

You know if you buy a lottery ticket even.

You know like lotto, lotto ticket. Jumbo.

You know, what are my chances of winning?

It doesn't have to be my chances,
It could be your chances or their chances.

What are the Yomiuri Giants' chances of winning the championships?
or something like that.

OK, so for homework,

Tell me what are your chances of working overseas?
I'd like to know.

Do you have a 10% chance? A 90% chance?
What are your chances of working overseas in the future?

OK, tell me next time we meet.
Thank you.


