Tip 57 ”to some extent” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第57弾は、”to some extent” です。


“Don’t you think this project is poorly managed?”

“I agree 50% with you.”

“to some extent” = 「ある程度」 という意味のフレーズをつかって、

“Yes, to some extent.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is to some extent.

It's a great phrase; we use it quite a lot and it's used...
It's a really useful phrase I'm sure that you'll like.

But first, let's do our test.
Last time we learned once in a blue moon.

So what do you do once in a blue moon?
Do you work on Saturdays once in a blue moon?

Do you drink once in a blue moon
or every now and then? Which one?

OK, let's go on to today's phrase to some extent.
What does this mean?

Well, let me show you what I often hear.
OK, so imagine you know I'm talking to Taro,

And I make a complaint. I express my opinion and I say,
you know Taro, don't you think this project is poorly managed?

You know if there's some kind of project
and I don't like this project manager.

I'd say yeah Taro, this project is poorly managed.
And Taro, yeah agrees but disagrees.

He says, hmmm, I agree 50% with you Hika.
Yeah, so he agrees 50%, but he disagrees 50%.

It's kinda strange, you know.
I agree 50% with you.

Yeah, so you're saying I disagree with you 50%.
I don't know. I don't feel very good when I hear that.

So what could you say?
Well if I ask you, don't you think this project is poorly managed?

You could just say, yes, to some extent.

Which means yeah I agree with you to a certain point,
not completely, but up to here I agree with you.

Yeah, and it doesn't sound too bad.
It's like yes I agree with you but not completely.

OK, to some extent.
OK, let's practice pronunciation.

Yes, to some extent, and there's a pause there.

Yes, to some extent.
You try.

OK, so let's try it with the question.
Don't you think this project is poorly managed?

OK, were you able to get that?
OK practice it a few times.

For homework, tell me what do you agree with,
not everything, but to some extent. OK.

So it could be anything about your company's policy,
or about your boss' decision.

OK, what do you agree with to some extent, not completely?

OK, so I want you to share that answer with me
in the next video lesson.

OK, Thank you.


