Tip 58 ”tweaking” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第58弾は、”tweaking” です。


“Is the new product ready for launch?” 「新しい商品の発売準備はできましたか?」


“It needs small adjustment.”


でも、よりナチュラルな答え方をするなら、”tweaking” = 「微調整」をつかって、

“It still needs a bit of tweaking.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople. OK.

And today's phrase is tweaking.
It's kind of slang but it's one that's used a lot in business.

Yes, OK so let's see what this means.
But first, we're gonna do our test.

OK, my question is
what do you agree with to some extent?

Not completely, to some extent.
And I gave you some examples last time.

You know with the company policy
or with the boss' decision.

Do you agree to some extent?

OK, I hope you had a good answer.
OK, because we are going to go on to tweaking.

What does this mean?
Well, here's what I often hear.

OK, so if I'm talking to Taro, and I ask Taro who's my colleague,
you know, is the new product ready for launch?

Is it ready for launch?
And he says, it needs small adjustment.

OK, so it's not ready. Right, yeah.
So it needs a small adjustment.

Which is kind of OK. Yeah, I understand the meaning.
It's not perfect yet; it needs to be changed a little bit,

before we launch the product.
But how can we say this a little bit more naturally?

OK, well we could say this.
So, if I ask hey Taro, is the new product ready for launch?

Is it ready?
And he says, it still needs a bit of tweaking.

I see, I see, just a bit of tweaking,
a little adjustment, I get it.

Just like that, very natural.
It's a great business phrase, tweaking, OK.

And let's look at pronunciation OK.
And actually the real meaning of tweak is like to pinch,

or to turn OK, so it needs a bit of tweaking.
Imagine like a screw and you need to twist it a little bit more.

It needs a bit of tweaking. Yeah OK.
So, it still needsa, needsa bitof tweaking.

It still needsa bitof tweaking.
It still needsa bitof tweaking. You try.

Good, OK, let's try it with the question.
So is the new product ready for launch?

OK, were you able to get that?
OK, I hope so.

For homework, tell me,
what still needs a bit of tweaking?

You tell me. Is it a project that you are working on?
A report? Even an email?

Yeah it's a good email but it needs a bit of tweaking.
This report is really good but it needs a bit of tweaking.

Yeah, something like this.
OK, so you tell me in our next lesson. Thank you.


