Tip 70 ”It slipped my mind.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第70弾は、”It slipped my mind.” です。


“Why did you miss our meeting?” 「なぜミーティングを欠席したの?」


“I’m sorry. I fogot.”

もちろんこれでも意味は通じるのですが、”I forgot.”は、

こうした場面では、”It slipped my mind.” = 「うっかり忘れていた」をつかって、

“I’m sorry. It slipped my mind.”
と言うと、「まぁ、誰にでもあるよね。」 といった印象を持ってもらえるわけです。

ぜひこうしたシチュエーションでは、本日学んだ “It slipped my mind.” を使うようにしてください!

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is
It slipped my mind. Hmm...

What does it mean?
Let's find out. OK.

OK. But first, we'll do our test.
Tell me about your remarkable achievement.

In your life, when you were student.
Maybe when you first joined your company.

Or just last year or recently.
What did you do that was remarkable?

I'd love to know.

OK. I hope you came up with the good example.

All right. Let's go on to today's phrase.
It slipped my mind.

Maybe you've heard of this.
But never really understood the meaning.

OK, well today, we will learn this.
OK. So let's imagine Taro and I, we're colleagues.

And I say,
Hey Taro, why did you miss our meeting?

We had a meeting at 3 o'clock, you didn't come.
Why did you miss our meeting?

And he says,
I'm sorry, I forgot.

OK. OK, Taro is being honest.
He forgot.

But, when you say "I forgot",
Especially "I'm sorry, I forgot".

It sounds like,
he doesn't really mean he's sorry.

It sounds like, he did it on purpose.
He didn't really forget.

You know, he just,
he just didn't come. And he's saying I forgot.

Yeah, so, I'm sorry I forgot.
It doesn't sound too good.

Even if I believe him,
I don't feel too good.

OK, so so let's try to avoid that
I'm sorry, I forgot.

It's honest,
but it's not so good.

So what should we say?
Well, if Taro says or or if I say,

Taro why did you miss our meeting?
We had a meeting at 3 o'clock. Why didn't you come?

And he says,
I'm sorry, it slipped my mind.

And I say, Ah OK,
it was an honest mistake. No problem.

Different feeling, the nuance is just so different.
It's not I forgot. But it slipped my mind.

Yeah, it's just,
then it's it's a lot more believable.

OK. And ah it it's like a
you know, it's like a natural mistake that we make.

It just slipped my mind.
I didn't mean to forget. It slipped my mind.

OK, so next time you forget to do something,
don't say I forgot.

But, ah it slipped my mind.
It was an honest mistake.

OK. All right.
Let's look at pronunciation.

I'm sorry with a pause, I'm so,
and say that with feeling.

I'm sorry, it slipped my mind.
Just like that. You try.

One more time.
I'm sorry, it slipped my mind.

OK. For homework.
Tell me about when something slipped your mind.

When did you forget to do something?
OK. When did you

yeah forget?
So tell me about when that happen.

In the next lesson.
OK. Thank you.


