Tip 74 ”This is driving me crazy.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第74弾は、”This is driving me crazy.” です。


“What’s the matter? You look upset.” 「どうしたの?イライラしているみたいだけど。」


“I have stress about this computer program.”

ただ、”stress out” = 「イライラさせる」をつかって
“I’m stressed out about…” であれば問題はないですが、
“I have stress about…” は、おかしな表現に聞こえてしまいますので使わないようにしましょう。

ただこんな際には、”drive me crazy” = 「頭がおかしくなる」

“This computer program is driving me crazy.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase, this is driving me crazy.
Driving me crazy.

What does it mean? OK, simple meaning.
We will look at this in just a minute.

But first, let's do our usual test. We're colleagues.
I'm going home. OK good night.

And you say,

OK, have a good one. That's right.
So not just bye bye. Have a good one.

Try using this in your lesson you know.
In your office, anywhere. Have a good one OK.

All right. So, this is driving me crazy.
What does it mean?

Well, let's look at what I often hear first.
OK, so if I say you know, Taro

Taro's like, he looks frustrated.
He has stress.

I say, Taro, what's the matter?
You look upset.

And he says, yeah
I have stress about this computer program.

It's confusing. I have stress about.
OK, it's it's strange.

OK, I have stress about you know.
You could say, I'm stressed out about

is maybe acceptable.
But I have stress about, is kinda of strange.

OK, so what's the natural way to say this?
This computer program is complicated.

It's it's confusing. He doesn't understand it.
And he could just say this.

So if I say, Taro, what's the matter?
You look upset?

And he says, yeah
this computer program is driving me crazy.

Perfect. Very natural. I say, woah woah,
OK, relax calm down. I'm here to help.

OK, something is driving him crazy.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
Just how it's written.

This computer program is driving me crazy.
You try.

One more time.
This computer program is driving me crazy.

OK, all right.
So, for homework.

OK, what drives you crazy?
OK, it could be a computer program.

It could be someone as well.
My boss drives me crazy, you know.

Or it could be a colleague that you don't like.
That guy drives me crazy.

Now you tell me, what drives you crazy?
OK, in the next lesson.

All right, we'll see you.
Thank you.


