Tip 78 “It’s just not my thing.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第78弾は、”It’s just not my thing.” です。



“Do you want to go to karaoke after work?”

“I don’t like karaoke.”


“~ is not my thing.” = 「~ は好みではない」を使って

“It’s not my thing.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is
It's just not my thing.

What does this mean? It's not my thing.
It's your thing. It's her thing. It's his thing.

OK, it's not one thing.
OK what does it mean?

OK, well first do our little test.
Tell me when you had

second thoughts after making a decision.
So, you decided but then you changed your mind.

And now you're wondering where
which way you should go. Tell me.

OK. All right.
I hope you came up with a good example.

OK, so this next one is it's just not my thing.
What does it mean?

Great natural phrase.
You know, we do use this quite a bit.

OK, so imagine Taro and I are colleagues.
And I say, hey Taro, after work,

you know, do you wanna go to karaoke?
Karaoke. We say karaoke.

Do you wanna go to karaoke after work?

And he says, yeah I don't like karaoke.

OK, if you don't like karaoke then, OK.

Now, what's wrong with this is Taro is being honest.

But, I I feel like I don't know.
I, I, I don't feel so comfortable.

Because you know, I want to do karaoke.
I like karaoke and he's saying he doesn't like it.

It almost sounds like it's a bad...
It's a bad hobby. It's it's not good.

So, it has a real negative meaning when you say that.
I don't like this. I don't like that OK.

So how can we say, you don't like something

without, being you know too insulting.
OK let's look at the natural style.

So if I say, Taro, do you wanna go to karaoke after work?

He says, hmmm yeah
It's just not my thing.

Oh OK, well no problem. You know maybe when
we go bowling, we'll invite you.

OK, so it it means that I don't not only I don't like karaoke,
but you know I don't like it

because well maybe I'm not so good at it you know.

It's not my thing. Maybe it's your thing.
So it's okay, if you like karaoke.

But for me, it's not for me.
It doesn't match me. It's not my thing.

And it's not so strong.
It's a real natural soft phrase.

OK. Let's look at pronunciation.
So it's jusnot, it's jusnot my thing.

It's jusnot my thing.
You try.

OK and maybe you could say,
the feeling would be,

Hmm it's just not my thing.
And it makes a lot more softer.

It's just not my thing.
One more time.

OK with my question.
Hey, do you wanna go to karaoke after work?

OK, no problem.
When we go bowling, I'll invite you.

OK, for homework. I'm gonna say,
I'm gonna invite you next time.

I'll say, hey do you wanna go to karaoke?

And you just say, hmmm
it's just not my thing. OK, perfect.

OK please practice this.
We'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


