Tip 79 “I see it a bit differently.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第79弾は、”I see it a bit differently.” です。


“Our head office doesn’t know anything.”

“No, no, no. I disagree.”


“I see it a bit differently.” 「私はちょっと見方が違います」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is I see it a bit differently.

Hmm. Maybe you could figure it out the meaning
from you know just by looking at this phrase.

I see it a bit differently.
What does it mean? We'll find out.

But first, let's do our test.
I'm inviting you.

I say, hey do you wanna go to karaoke?
And you say.

It's just not my thing.
Yeah, it's not for me.

Were you able to say that?
I hope so. OK.

All right, let's go on to today's phrase.
I see it a bit differently.

OK. Here's what I often hear.
So imagine I'm complaining to Taro

about our head office, headquarters.
Our head office doesn't know anything.

They don't understand the field.
A lot of people complain about head office.

And Taro says, no, no, no,
I disagree.

Now this is really strong. It's
It's like a picking a fight you know.

No, no, no, you're wrong.
I disagree.

I'm making an opinion you know.
Why are you saying it's no no no? Hmm.

So, we don't wanna say no especially three times.

And I disagree is actually a
pretty strong phrase. I disagree.

OK. But, what we could say
a little softer way but keeping the same meaning.

Is this. So if I say, you know
our head office doesn't know anything.

Taro can say, yeah
I see it a bit differently. Hmm.

So, he says, yeah I understand your view
is like this.

But my view is a little bit different.
That's all. So I'm not saying you're wrong.

OK? Or it's not good. I'm just saying, my view is
a little different. I see it a bit differently.

Very natural. It's not,
it's not aggressive OK?

Let's practice pronunciation.
So, I seeit, I seeit, I seeita bit differently.

I seeita bit differently.
You try.

OK, with my sentence. You know,
our head office doesn't know anything.

OK. Were you able to get that?
OK, so for homework.

I'm gonna complain. OK. I'm gonna say,
our head office doesn't know anything.

And you just say, yeah
I see it a bit differently.

Hmm. My view is a little bit different.
OK. Perfect. Please practice this.

We'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


