Tip 87 ”craving for.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第87弾は、”craving for” です。



“I’m going to the convenience store. Do you want anything?”

“I suddenly want to eat chocorate.”
“suddenly want” という言い方は、あまり自然な言い回しではありません。

こんな場面では、”craving for”「切望する、渇望する」がよく使われ、

“I have this sudden craving for chocolate.” と言ってみましょう。

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is craving, craving for.
Hmmm. What does this mean? OK.

It's a great word because we feel this every day.
We have a craving for something.

Let's learn this.
But first, let's do our little test.

So I'm gonna say, hey good morning.
And you say?

Remember we're at the door,
you're opening the door. Good morning.

You say, good morning, Hika. After you.
Oh, thank you very much.

Such a gentleman.
OK, just like that.

OK. So, let's go on to today's word craving for.
What does it mean?

Well let me show you.
Here's what I often hear.

OK. So let's imagine that Taro
and I are colleagues, we're close colleagues.

And I say, you know, Taro I'm going to the
convenience store.

7-11, Lawson, I'm going to the convenience store.
Do you want anything?

And Taro says, yeah I
I suddenly want to eat chocolate.

OK, yeah. You suddenly want to eat chocolate?
OK, I'll get you some chocolate.

Perfect. I understand. No problem.
But I suddenly want,

it's, it doesn't sound very natural yeah.
But people are tempted to say this, I suddenly want.

You know that feeling, like McDonald's.
Ah French fries, you know.

Sometimes you suddenly want it yeah.
But we don't say I suddenly want it, it sounds really strange.

So what do we say?
Well you could say this.

So if I say, Taro I'm, I'm going to the convenience store.
Do you want anything?

You could say, you know,
I have this sudden craving for chocolate.

OK I'll get you some chocolate
for that addiction right now.

OK. So I have this sudden craving.
We call it a craving, it's a desire.

Something you really want.
But we don't say I suddenly want.

We use craving instead.
Have this sudden craving for chocolate.

I have, I have this sudden craving for McDonald's
French fries. You know, like that.

I have a sudden craving for a cigarette.
OK, so let's look at pronunciation.

I have this sudden craving for chocolate.
Just like that. You try.

I have this sudden craving for chocolate.
OK. Let's try it with my question.

You know, I'm going to the convenience store.
Do you want anything?

OK. I'll get you chocolate right away.
All right, just like that.

OK, for homework.
What do you sometimes get a sudden craving for?

OK. A sudden desire, not just eat but
but to have.

OK, of course chocolate is a good one.
McDonald's French fries is another one.

Usually junk food you know.
Actually, now you know,

I'm getting a sudden craving for like
a MOS burger. You know yeah.

OK, but anyway, what about you?
You tell me in the next lesson. Thank you.


