Tip 88 “I owe you one.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第88弾は、”I owe you one.” です。


“Here’s the chocolate you asked for.”

“Thank you so much. Next time I will do something for you.”


“I owe you one.” 「借りができたね」

特に大きな借りができた場合は、”I owe you a big one.”と、言います。


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is I owe you one.
I owe you one.

Hmm, what does it mean?
We'll find out in just a minute.

OK. So let's do our test first. What do you
sometimes get a sudden craving for?

Sudden desire. What do you want right now?
OK. I hope you got a good answer.

You know, I have a sudden, I sometimes get
sudden craving for McDonald's French fries.

Or a hamburger or a coke. Sometimes I get a sudden craving for
coke or chocolate or a cigarette. OK, usually bad things right.

OK. Let's go on to today's phrase.
I owe you one. What does this mean?

Great phrase. So many opportunities
to use this. If people help you,

you often, you could use this I owe you one.
When they helped you, you say I owe you one.

OK, let me show you.
OK. So if I say,

you know come back from the convenience store,
I have some chocolate.

And I say, OK Taro, here's the chocolate you asked for,
you requested. Here you go.

And Taro was so happy.
He says, oh thank you so much.

Ah next time I will do something for you.
OK. You'll do something for me, OK well, well thank you.

Maybe you can go to the convenience
store next time. Perfect yeah.

But, it's long, it's two sentences you know.
Can we put that into one? Yes, we can.

By using I owe you one.
OK, so we could say this.

I come back from the convenience store
and I have something for Taro.

Taro, here's the chocolate you asked for.
And Taro says, oh I owe you one.

Perfect. It means thank you very much
and next time, I will do something for you.

I will go to the convenience store for you.
I will check your Japanese for you.

I will help you yeah. And if it's a big help that he did,
he or she did for you, you could say I owe you a big one.

And that one means favor yeah.
It means something for another person yeah.

I owe you a big one. I owe you one.
OK. Let's look at pronunciation.

You could all those words together
Ioweyoune. Ioweyoune.

Let's try with my sentence.
Here's the chocolate you asked for.

Perfect. OK, so for homework.
I'm gonna say,

here's the chocolate you asked for next time
and just say, I owe you one. OK.

Or if you wanna say, if it's a big help then
you could say, I owe you a big one. OK.

All right. So we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


