Tip 92 “Coming through” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第92弾は、”Coming through.” です。



“Are you OK with those boxes?”

“Please move.”
こんな言い方していませんか? Pleaseをつけてはいますが、これは「命令形」になりますので、



“Coming through.”
相手の少し手前から、少々大きめの声で “Coming through.” と言いながら、注意を促していくといいですね。


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is coming through.
Very natural. What does it mean?

We will find out.
But first, let's do our test.

And I'm gonna ask you. Hey, what's
what's the name of our new supplier?

Do you remember the name of our new supplier?

It's on the tip of my tongue.
Were you able to get that?

Great phrase. Because there are many situations
where we can't remember.

It's right there but we can't remember.
You use this phrase. It's on the tip of my tongue.

OK. So today's phrase, coming through.
OK. Now let me describe the situation.

OK. So let's imagine Taro is carrying boxes.
He's got big boxes

and he can't really see.
He's carrying his walking.

And I say, oh Taro, are you OK with those boxes?
You need some help?

And he says, ah please move. Please move.
And everyone is moving. Woah woah.

OK. But please move, which everyone can understand.
To be honest is really rude.

Say please move, please get out of my way.
Yeah, it doesn't sound right.

So instead of telling someone to do something
please move,

it's better to announce that you are coming.
I'm coming. So here's what we say.

So Taro's carrying many boxes and
he's kinda walking.

And I say, hey Taro,
are you OK with those boxes?

And he says, coming through.
Just like that. Coming through.

And everyone else will move. Not not rude.
It's okay. It just means he's passing by.

And everyone will move.
Coming through.

OK. So let's look at pronunciation.
Just like that. Coming through. You try.

Maybe you could say a little bit
with more feeling. Coming through.

So say it pretty loudly so everyone can hear
and everyone will move. OK. Coming through.

OK. So let's try with my sentence.
Hey, are you OK with those boxes?

OK. Were you able to get that?
OK, so for homework, same thing.

I'm gonna, you're gonna imagine
you're carrying some boxes.

And I'm gonna say,
are you OK with those boxes?

And you just say, coming through.
And everyone will move.

OK. So we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


