Bizmates 無料英語学習 新シリーズ ”E-mail picks” の配信を開始致します!!

Bizmates 無料英語学習  本日は新シリーズ ”E-mail picks” のご紹介です。


3/8(水)より、Bizmates Channel 新シリーズ “E-mail Picks”をお届けすることになりました。



コミュニケーションのスペシャリストでもあるKyotaの”E-mail Picks”、


Justin: Hey, guys! Hey, Hika!

How are you doing? I see you're busy.

Hika: Hey, not at all. What's up Justin?

Justin: Not much. I'm just making a video for the Bizmates Channel

and I wanted to introduce them to our new superstar presenter.

So I hope I'm not bothering you guys.

Hika: No, no, that's perfect because we were just talking about that.

How could we introduce our superstar for the Bizmates Channel.

Well, let me introduce you to him.

Everyone, here is Kyota.

Kyota: Hello, everyone my name is Kyota, nice to meet everyone.

Justin: Hey, Kyota.

All right, so, Hika, I think everybody wants to know more about our new presenter,

so why don't you ask him a few questions.

Hika: Okay. So, Kyota... um, it's an interesting name,is that a Japanese name?

Kyota: Yes, because I am half-Japanese and I'm half-Taiwanese.

My father is Taiwanese. I've lived in Japan for a long time, in the U.S... long story,

but yeah, here I am right now.

Hika: Okay. Well..., and Kyota is going to have his own series of videos and maybe,

Kyota you could tell us a little bit about your videos.

Kyota: Oh, sure.Well my videos will be focusing on e-mails -- business emails.

I'm going to give you examples of how to write this e-mail

because I know many of you are having trouble with that, right?

So I hope I can help you guys in my own little way.

Hika: Sounds exciting! So, um... and, Kyota while we have you here,

you know Kyota is communication expert and he's one of our product specialists.

Maybe you can give our viewers just some general advice on how to study English.

Kyota: Oh, sure. Well, the key is to not study or not have to study

because all you have to do is not shy away or not run away from chances to learn English.

For example -- because we're talking about e-mails -- if you get an English e-mail at work...

Yeah, you read it. You can read it and if you don't understand, ask questions in English.

It's okay to make a few mistakes. They'll understand,

they'll tell you if there's a mistake. They'll tell you.

Or you could get complaints in English from a customer.

You try to answer it. Don't ask a person who's better at English than you are.

Just do it yourself, try it out. So those are the chances you shouldn't miss.

Then, you'll be okay.

Hika: Sounds like great advice. Everyone,

I hope you check out Kyota's new video series every Wednesday.

So check it out.

Justin: Alright, thanks guys! OK, everyone so that's it for our video,

so say goodbye and say hi and we'll see you next time, okay?

Alright, bye-bye!

