Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 98 ”No worries.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第98弾は、”No worries.” です。


そこでヒカはタロウに”Sorry I’m late.”「ごめん、遅れちゃって。」と言いました。

“No problem.”「問題ないよ。」

“No worries.” 「問題ないよ。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

for beginners video series and today's

is no worries. No worries.

What does this mean? We will find out.

But first let's do our test. Okay.

So we are colleagues and the meeting ,

our meeting room is being used by the
sales team.

So I say the sales team took our meeting room.

And you say, not

we will,we will revenge, but that's right

We'll get back at them. We'll get back at them.

I hope you got that. Okay let's go on to today's

phrase. No worries. So imagine

Taro and I are having a meeting

and I'm late. I'm late. Okay.

So I say Taro. I'm sorry I'm late.

And he says ah no problem.

Yeah, perfect. No problem is

okay. But everyone says no problem,

right? You know we hear it many times. No problem. No problem.

So what's a more natural way

to say this. Well we can say this.

So I say Taro I'm sorry I'm late
for the meeting. I'm sorry.

And he says no worries.

Perfect. Sounds very natural.

Very few Japanese English speakers

can use this. No worries. So you can use it

next time. Okay let's look at

So it's just no worries, no worries.

You try.

Good okay with my sentence. Sorry I'm late.

Perfect. OK.

For homework next time I will say

sorry I'm late. And you say,

no worries. Okay please remember this.

And we will see you next time. Thank you.


