Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 103 ”OK, noted.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第103弾は、”OK, noted.” です。


“Our meeting is at 2pm.”「会議は2時からだよ。」と言いました。

“I know.”「知っています。」

“OK, noted.” 「OK、了解。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates

for beginners video series

and today's useful phrase

is OK, noted.

OK, noted. What does this mean?

We will find out but first let's do

our test. Okay so you are in front of
your computer.

you look stressed so I say what's wrong?

You OK? What's wrong? And you say? That's right. Oh, l see, your PC is acting up.

Maybe I can help you. Okay perfect. I hope you got that.

Okay let go on to today's phrase.

OK, noted. So let's imagine

Taro and I are colleagues and we have

a meeting today. And I remind

Taro and say our meeting is at

2 p.m. Okay, Taro? Our meeting is at 2

And he says I know.

OK, it's a little bit strong.

I know. I know. Why are you telling me?

Okay, so if

if you say this phrase the wrong way,

it sounds like

don't bother me. Don't waste my time. I
already know this

information. It's not so good.

Yeah, a more, a friendlier way to
say this

is like this. So I say

Taro, our meeting is at 2 p.m. OK? And
he says

OK, noted. Very natural. Very friendly.

OK, noted. It means I'm

taking a note in my head. I understand.

Okay very useful phrase.

Let's practice pronunciation. It's OK,
with a pause.

And noted. OK, noted. You try.

Good with my sentence.

Our meeting is at 2 p.m.

Perfect. OK so for homework. Next time I
will say

our meeting is at 2 p.m. and you just say

OK, noted, just like that.

Please remember this and we will see you
next time.

Thank you.


