【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「関係代名詞」Bizmates Grammar 36 #36

That, which, who, where が使われる関係代名詞の文章の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。


(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank B Lesson 19 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

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① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


She pitched an idea that can cut cost by almost 20%.
What are the tools that we need to prepare?
Here's a graph that shows our monthly targets.
We're looking for a start-up that we can invest in.
It's a business area where tech companies are located.
Did you find any errors in the invoice that I emailed you?
Do you know a person who we can call for help?
It's a product that appeals to a younger audience.
We have rescheduled the event which was supposed to be held tomorrow.
Let me refer you to a financial analyst who specializes in stocks.
How do you make content that goes viral?
Tom is a type of leader who motivates others.
Have you replied to the customer who posted a review?
Gabin is the manager who came from Singapore.
We now have a rule that allows us to work from home.
They're known for making appliances that use less energy.
It's an event where investors gather.
Here are the safety guidelines that we need to follow.
It's a type of shop where you can get anything for a hundred yen.
Ria was the one who brought it up.
Is this the file that you were looking for?
It's an app that can help manage your schedule.
Robert was the one who closed the deal.
There's a new engineer who will join our project team.
Let's meet up at the place where we met last time.
Is he the maganer who oversees Sales Team B?
He's the client who Terry referred us to.
It's a software which will allow us to forecast sales.
I know a place that offers a better deal.
We're trying to make an ad that promotes our new service.
John is a blogger who writes about the latest trends on SNS.
It's a skill that any businessperson should have.
We need a person who can handle IT development.
It's a type of loan that has a very low interest rate.
Do you know a shop where I can sell my old PC?
This room is where we all take a coffee break.
Ron is a person who I used to work with.
It's a feature that automatically deletes junk mails.
Is this the section where we can write suggestions?
Let's use a color that can catch their attention.
We made a guideline that would help us be more productive.
I've fixed the errors that you pointed out.
I run a small business that makes and sells bags.
Have you seen the notice that was posted this morning?
Is this the design that they want to use?
It's a business model where users sign up for a monthly subscription.
It's a company that made an inquiry a few months ago.
Is there an extra chair that we can borrow?
Here's the webpage where I downloaded the report.
I need an app that can monitor my screen time.
Please look for a place where we can hold our team building.
She's requesting data that we don't have yet.
I'll look for a place where we can accomodate 100 people.
I chose the company that offered the best incentives.
Charlie is a person who helped us set up the Tokyo branch.
We hold an annual event where we commend our loyal customers.
There's a room where we keep all our confidential files.
Can we use any video clips that are royalty free?
Do you have any emaill template that I can use?
It's where I studied abroad.
Could you follow up on the customer who complained about our website?
This room is where we receive guests.
Here's a chart that represents our market share.
It's one of those tasks that takes forever to finish!
It's a song that made a big hit a few years ago.
Let's put it in a place where everyone can see.
It's a problem that we've been facing for a long time.
It's a jacket that is made from recycled materials.
We want a 3D printer that can print in different colors.
We're the ones who organized the event.
Do you still have the material that you used in the last seminar?
Bizmates Channel is where I learn English the fun way!
It's where I learned how to make English a part of my life.


