【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「 接続詞 because + so」Bizmates Grammar 36 #30

Because と So の接続詞が使われる文章の構文に自信がない方のための苦手克服動画です。


(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank B Lesson 13 で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

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① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


We had to cancel the event because of the pandemic.
I haven't had lunch yet, so I'm a bit hungry.
All flights were canceled because of the typhoon.
I want to work abroad, so I'm learning English.
We had to work overtime because of the system error.
I want to stay fit, so I bike to work.
I missed the train because I woke up late.
We're hiring more people because we're expanding our business.
She went home because she wasn't feeling well.
I work hard because I want to make it big.
We took a taxi because we were running late.
Ray's not here today because he needs to see a doctor.
The busy season's over, so I have more free time now.
I want to be a manager, so I'm working extra hard.
I took a day off because I had to do something at home.
Costs are rising, so we will need to raise our prices.
The market is maturing, so we need to explore other markets.
I need to do some paperwork because I'm moving to a new place.
I can't leave yet because I still have a lot to do.
It's my mom's birthday, so I gave her a call today.
My proposal got turned down, so I need to take a different approach.
We're behind schedule, so we need to rethink our plan.
I'm gaining weight, so I need to cut down on my calories.
I bought this book because Helen recommended it.
I think that's all the time we have, so let's wrap up.
I had a rough week, so I'll take it easy this weekend.
I couldn't contact you because I had lost my phone.
My PC kept freezing, so I requested for a replacement.
My meeting got extended, so I'll be 5 minutes late.
It's expensive because it was made in Japan.
She grew up in Paris, so she can speak French fluently.
I only had 2 hours of sleep, so I'm a bit lightheaded.
I slept late because I was doing some research.
Ryan said he's free today, so I think he can join us.
I shared the article because it was very timely.
I often have lunch here because I love their pasta.
I needed guidance, so I talked with my boss.
I'd love to stay, but I really need to go now.
The meeting starts at 1, so we should have lunch early.
I can't focus on my task because it's too noisy.
We got stranded because of heavy snow.
I have to go now because I need to pick my son up.
We need to work because we've got bills to pay.
We had to reschedule the meeting because of technical issues.
I'm behind my target because I lost a big contract.
I trust her because she has always delivered results.
The event was cancelled because of the storm.
I'm saving money because I want to buy a house.
I'm busier now because I'm training a new employee.
I wanted to learn how to code, so I started taking classes.
It's hard because they haven't been trained.
The deadline is in two weeks, so we need to hurry.
We've been talking for an hour, so let's take a short break.
The project ran smoothly because everyone cooperated.
She helped me out, so I got her a small gift.
Stock prices have dropped, so it's the best time to buy.
Many startups fail because of lack of planning.
He likes cooking, so he usually brings a packed lunch.
Because it was the weekend, I slept longer than usual.
There's too much admin work, so I suggest we hire an assistant.
I forgot my wallet at home, so I must go back.
The trains stopped because of an earthquake.
We ordered two units because they were on sale.
We didn't buy it because it was too expensive.
I feel great because I was able to spend time alone yesterday.
The project didn't work out because it wasn't planned well.
I prefer working from home because I can sleep longer.
I think we're all here, so let's get started.
I couldn't log in because I forgot my password.
I can't email you the file because it's too big.
I'm excited because it's my first time to Hokkaido.
We got a go-ahead, so we can start our project.
Everyone's happy with your work, so keep it up!


