Point 1 ”anytime” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第1弾は、”anytime” です。

“You are welcome.” 「どういたしまして。」 と答えがちです。


よりカジュアルに「どういたしまして。」 という意味を伝えるのであれば、



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is anytime.

What does this mean?
Well we will find out.

OK. So Anytime.
Now, this is what I often hear.

Now imagine, that Taro is my colleague.
OK. We are working for the same company.

And I say to Taro, ah Taro, thank you for your help.
He helps me so I say, thank you for your help.

And Taro says, you are welcome. Hmmm.
You often hear this, right? You are welcome.

But the problem is, this is very formal English.
You know, thank you. You're welcome.

It's a little bit too formal with your colleague or
your co-worker. So, a more natural style is like this.

OK. So if I say, Taro, thank you for your help.
You can say, anytime. That's all, anytime. Yeah.

It's very natural. It's like you're welcome
but in a very casual way, OK?

So let's look at pronunciation. OK.
It's anytime. Just like that.

Anytime. OK you try.

One more time. Anytime.

OK. Now I will say thank you for your help.
And you say anytime. Are you ready? OK.

Thank you for your help.

Perfect. OK.
So for homework, next time I will say,

Thank you for your help.
And you say, anytime.

OK. We'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


