Point 10 ”To the restroom” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第10弾は、”To the restroom” です。


では例えば同僚から、”Where are you going?” 「どこに行くの?」


“I’m going to the toilet.”
“toilet” はイギリスでは使われる英語ではあるものの、


こんな時には、”restroom” をつかってシンプルに

“To the restroom.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is to the restroom.
What is the restroom? Do you know?

Well we will learn this.
But first, let's do our test.

OK so you can ask me,
what do you think of this poster?

OK so go ahead.

And I'll say, I think it's really good.
OK. Did you get that?

OK so remember in your office,
you can ask people.

What do you think of my watch?
What do you think of my shirt?

OK. All right. Let's go to today's phrase,
to the restroom.

Hmmm... restroom.
What is this?

OK. Imagine Taro and I are co-workers
or colleagues OK.

And Taro stands up and he's goes somewhere.
And I say, oh Taro, where are you going?

And Taro says,
I'm going to the toilet.

Hmmm... OK. Many, many of my students
say toilet OK.

But we don't say toilet so much,
especially in the US or Canada.

Sometimes in the UK, they say toilet or
water closet, but it sounds a little dirty, toilet OK.

So it's a little bit unnatural, yeah.
So it's better to say this.

So if I say,
oh where are you going?

To the restroom. Just like that.
Restroom is very clean.

It means the toilet yes, but it has a very
clean image. To the restroom OK.

All right. So let's practice pronunciation.
Just like this. To the restroom OK.

To the restroom. You try.

One more time.
To the restroom.

OK, so I will ask you.
Where are you going?

Oh OK, go ahead, yeah.
Perfect. OK.

So for homework, next time I will ask you.
Where are you going?

And you say, to the restroom.
OK, just like that.

OK we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


