Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 114 ”When is the big day?”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第114弾は、”When’s the big day?” です。




“What day is she getting married?”
“When is she getting married?”


”When’s the big day?”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series and today's

phrase is "When's the big day?" What is
this big day? We will find out but first

let's do our test. OK, so imagine we are
colleagues and we are leaving

the office together. We are going
somewhere together and I say to you "Oh,

I'll be ready in five minutes please
wait." And you say, not "Please don't hurry

up" but...

that's right. "Take your time." Don't
hurry up, take your time. Very natural!

OK let's look at today's phrase "When's the big day?"

Now here's what I sometimes hear. OK so
let's imagine Sanae -- Sanae-san is our

co-worker or Taro and I are co-worker
and she is getting married and i say to

Taro: I can't believe Sanae-san is getting
married. Sanae's getting married. She is

our company idol. And Taro says: What
day is she getting married? Or when is

she getting married? This question is OK, but to make it sound a little more natural

we could use "big day" -- the big day. The big day is the day you get married. It's your

wedding day. So a natural style is like
this -- so if I say: Yeah, Taro I cant believe

Sanae's getting married. She's our
company idol. And Taro says: When's the

big day? Very natural!

And I say: Oh, it's next Monday. Very natural. "When's the big day?"

OK so let's look at pronunciation. Very
simple, it's just "When's the big day?"

When's the big day? You try... Good! One more time

When's the big day?... OK, so for homework, next time I will say "I cant believe

Sanae's getting married." And you say...
When's the big day?

OK please remember this and we will see
you next time. Thank you.


