Point 12 ”How’s it going?” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第12弾は、”How’s it going?” です。


“How are you?”


でも、この “How are you?” はとてもフォーマルな言い方なので、



“How’s it going?”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's question is how's it going?
Hmmm... how's it going?

What does this mean? We will find out.
But first, let's do our test. OK.

So I will ask you,
hey, do you want to go for a beer after work, yeah?

I'd love to, but I can't. Yeah, did you get that? Yes?
OK and I say, OK no problem, maybe next time.

OK. So today's question is how's it going?
Hmmm... what does this mean?

Well here is what I often hear.
Imagine Taro and I, we are colleagues.

OK same company, we work for the same company.
And Taro says, Hika, how are you?

And I say, yeah good, thanks.
How about you?

Yeah, it's OK right?
How are you is used in many textbooks.

But, with your colleague or co-worker,
we don't use how are you so much.

It's very formal, how are you?
How are you? Yeah. So it's not natural OK?

I know maybe you learned how are you in school,
but it's not so common.

Especially with our co-workers, OK.
So, a more natural style is this one.

So he could say, how's it going?
And I say, yeah good, thanks. How about you?

It's very natural, how's it going? Yeah.
OK, just like that. It's not formal, it's very casual, yeah.

OK. So let's try this. How'sit, you see, how'sit.
It's not going guh, but it's goin.

Howsit goin? You try.
One more time. Howsit goin?

That's right. OK, now you ask me and I will answer.
Are you ready? Go.

Yeah good, thanks. How about you?
And you can say, yeah good, thanks.

Just like that. OK, now for homework,
next time we meet, please ask me.

Hika, how's it going?
And I will say, yeah good, thanks. How about you?

OK we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


