Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 136 ”keep it up”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第136弾は、”keep it up” です。



“Taro, this project is really difficult! I hate it! it’s difficult! ”


“You’re doing a good job. Fight! ”


“Hika, you’re doing a good job. Keep it up!”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's idiom is
keep it up

What does this mean? We will find out,
but first let's do our test.

OK, so we are colleagues and I ask you:
Can you finish this by tomorrow? This report?

And you say...

Very good. Sorry that's a bit of a stretch.
I hope you got that.

OK let's go on to today's idiom
keep it up

OK? What does this mean? Here's what I
sometimes hear. OK so I say:

Taro, this project is really difficult!

I hate it! it's difficult!
And Taro, he wants to give

me support and he says:
You're doing a good job. Fight!

Fight? Round one!

You know, it's a little bit strange in English to say "fight"

OK, like "ganbatte" right?
So in English we can say this...

So I say:
Taro, this project is really difficult!

I have so much stress.
And he says:

Hika, you're doing a good job.
Keep it up!

Perfect. OK? Keep doing a good job.

Continue your good work.
OK, it's a very common expression.

To give someone encouragement
or support. Keep it up.

OK, let's look at pronunciation it's:
You're... it's not you're doinG a gooD joB

but it's You're doin' agoo' job.
You're doin' agoo' job. Keepit up!

You're doin' agoo' job. Keepit up!
You try...

Perfect. OK, with my sentence:
This project is really difficult!

OK, I'll do my best. Thanks.

Perfect. OK, so for homework next
time I will complain and say:

This project is really difficult!
And you say...

That's right. OK?
You're doing a good job. Keep it up!

Please remember this and we
will see you next time. Thank you.


