Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 142 ”It’s a must.”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第142弾は、”It’s a must.” です。


“Do I really need IT’s approval to change my password?.”



“Yes, you have to get approval.”
これでも良いのですが、”you have to”や “you must” は

“It’s a must.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

and today's phrase is
Its must.

Must. You know, "must," right?
Like "you have to..." but in this case

there's an "a" in front of it.
It's a must.

What does this mean? We will find out
but first let's do our test.

OK, so let's imagine you are using iTunes
for the first time and you say:

How do I buy music on iTunes?

And I say:
You need to create an account first.

And you say...

That's right. It's such a hassle.

OK, I hope you got that.
Let's go on to today's phrase

It's a must.
Here's what I sometimes hear...

So let's imagine Taro and I are colleagues. And I want to change my password.

And title says:
Hika, you have to get IT's approval.

And I say:
Really? Do I really need IT's approval

to change my password?
And he says:

Yes, you have to get approval.
OK. This is okay. It's a little direct.

Like "You HAVE TO..." OK, so when you use
you have to... "you must..."

It's a little bit strong. OK, so a better way
to say this is like this --

So I say: Taro, do I really need IT's approval to change my password?

And he says:
Yes it's a must.

OK. Now, this is not as strong because
he's not saying "you must.."

but "It's a must."
It's like a rule. It's a rule. OK?

So let's look at pronunciation...

Yes -- with a pause -- it'sa must.
Yes, it'sa must.

You try...

OK, with my sentence:
Do I really need IT's approval?

I see. OK, I'll ask them.

So for homework next time I will ask you:
Do I really need IT's approval?

And you say...
Yes, it's a must.

Okay please remember that
and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


