Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 158 ”way of thinking”

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第158弾は、”way of thinking” です。

“You know, Taro, our company should try to be a little more international.”




“Yes. We have to change our mind. ”

“change our mind”だと、「気が変わる」「心変わりする」という意味になり、

“Yes. We have to change our way of thinking.”


※”way of thinking”:「思考」「気持ちの持ち方」


Hello everyone, Justin here and thanks for tuning in to
another Bizmates for beginners video lesson.
Today's expression is

way of thinking.

Now maybe
some of you have heard this expression
used before, but there are a few key points that
I'd like to go through with you today.

So we'll do that in just a moment but first, let's check in with
last week's expression.

OK everyone, so imagine I say:
Guess what, Taro. I got a promotion!

What's your reaction?
You have five seconds. OK, go.

And times up. If you said
No way! That's great news!

Good job, everyone. Thank you for
remembering last week's expression.

Very nice, natural reaction.

OK so this week's expression: Way of thinking.
This is what I sometimes hear

So I'm talking to my colleague, Taro.
I say: You know, Taro, our company should try to be a little more international.
And Taro, he agrees with me,
he says: Yes. We have to change our mind.

Now, I've heard this expression used a lot.

Now, this is OK. I can understand the meaning,
but change our mind means to change your decision.

OK? So for example let's say I want to eat pasta for dinner tonight,

then I say, actually no I want to eat
steak. So I changed my decision.

I changed my mind, OK? But this is a little bit different.
So a more natural way to say it is... right.

Yes. We have to change our way of thinking.

Now, change your way of thinking is a much deeper thing.

OK, so it's like changing your mindset.
Changing what you believe.

OK, so there's a big difference. "Change your mind" is to change your decision,
but change your way of thinking is a much deeper change.

OK, a change in mindset.
Alright, everyone.

OK, so pronunciation here, again,
is fairly simple; not so tough today

OK "way of" we'll combine that together.
wayov. OK, wayov, and one other key point is

the TH sound. I often hear "shinking."
Shinking like a SHI sound

but make sure you have a nice TH
pronunciation, OK?

Thinking... Thinking. OK, everyone.
So please repeat after me

Way of thinking.
Your turn.

Very good. OK, so now after me

Our company should try to be a little
more international.

Very good.
Yes. we have to change our way of thinking.

OK, everyone. Alright, so try to
remember this for next week.

It's a really common expression but make
sure we know the difference between

change our mind and
change our way of thinking

OK, everyone. Alright so this week's bonus question is

another way to say
I don't really like...

OK? This is in one of the previous Bizmates for beginners
video lessons.

So if you have time, go back, check out the old videos
and if you know the answer please leave
it in the comments below, OK, everyone?

So, thank you for watching this week's video lesson
and we'll see you next time. Thank you.


