Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 177 ”intense”

無料ビジネス英語学習 For Beginners 第177弾は、”intense” です。


“Hey, Taro! How’s your new manager?”



“She’s really sparta!”



“She’s really intense.”


例)・I went to the gym and I had a really intense workout.(ジムで激しいトレーニングをした)
・The instructor was really intense.(あのインストラクターはものすごく厳しかった)


Hello, everyone.

Justin here and I am back with another Bizmates for beginners video lesson.

This week, everyone, we are going to learn the vocabulary intense.

So what does this mean?
How do we use it?

Let's find out but first, as always,

let's begin with a quick review of last week's expression.

OK, everyone so imagine, I ask you:

Do you need more help with the new system?

How do you respond, everyone?
You've got five

seconds okay?
and go...

Okay, so time is up.

If you said "no thanks, I have it down pat"

then you got it, nice job.

you really have this expression down pat, all right?

OK, alright so moving on to this week's vocabulary "intense"

this is what I sometimes hear:

OK, again I'm talking to Taro, my good friend and colleague,

and I asked him: Hey, Taro! How's your new manager?

So a new manager just joined his department

and I want to get some information about their personality.

So Taro, he says: Yeah. She's really sparta!

OK, so i think I know what Taro wants to say here.

So I know that Sparta was a really famous city in Ancient Greece

and they were known for their fighting ability

and they're strong warriors, so maybe he wants to say she's really tough or powerful

but this expression, unfortunately, is not quite natural. So...that's right,

he should say:

She's really intense.

So "intense" is anything or anyone that's really strict,

really serious, too strong or too powerful.

OK, so for example: the course was really intense or the instructor was really intense.

I went to the gym and I had a really intense workout, for example. Okay?

Alright, so pronunciation is very simple,

it's just as it is written here intense. Okay?

So please repeat after me, everyone.

She is really intense. Go ahead.

Very good. OK, now after my question:

How's your new manager?

OK, good job, everyone. Thank you.

So please remember this for next week's review.

OK, so this week's bonus question,

everyone is another way to say: "fat."

As you know "fat" is not very polite.

It's not an expression we would want to use

especially when we're talking about people.

So what's a better way to say this?

If you know, leave it in the comments below,
okay, everyone?

Alright, so that is it for me this week.

Thank you so much for watching as always and

I'm looking forward to seeing you next time.

Thank you very much and have a great weekend.


