Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 182 ”shake it off”

無料ビジネス英語学習 For Beginners 第182弾は、”shake it off” です。


“We didn’t get the contract. Our potential customer said no to our proposal.”




(以前のFor Beginnersにも出てきましたよ!覚えていますか?!)

“It’s okay. Don’t mind.”


“It’s okay.shake it off.”



Hello, everyone and welcome to this week's Bizmates for beginners video lesson

and this week, everyone, we are going to learn the expression shake it off, okay?

So it's a really fun expression, very useful.

How do we use it? Well, let's find out but first let's do a quick review

to make sure all of you remember last week's expression.

OK, so imagine I ask you:Do you like drinking?

But imagine you are not good at drinking alcohol because you get drunk very easily.

So what do you say? You've got five seconds, okay?


Alright and time is up.

If you said "I'm a lightweight,"

then good job and thanks for remembering the expression.

OK, so moving on, everyone to "shake it off."

Now this is what I sometimes hear:

OK I'm talking to my colleague, Taro and I'm kind of in a bad situation.

I'm not feeling very happy because I say: We didn't get the contract.

Our potential customer said no to our proposal.

So I'm feeling kind of down.

And Taro, he says: It's okay. Don't mind.

Okay, so this is OK and although I understand what Taro wants to say --

that's right it's not so natural.

He could say "it's okay, don't worry about it."

That's good, we learned that in one of our previous Bizmates for beginners videos

but he could also say...

that's right. It's okay.shake it off.

Alright, so if someone is feeling down because something unfortunate or

you know, something bad happened you can say

"yeah, don't worry shake it off, okay?"

That means "yes, stand up,it's just a small problem."

Yeah, just don't worry about it, shake it off and let's try again.

So you can use this expression when you know your friend or co-worker isn't feeling good

because he or she may be made a mistake or maybe they failed at something.

So if you want to give them some encouragement -- a positive push --

you can say:It's okay. Shake it off. Try again.


Okay, now pronunciation

is very easy. It's as you see it written here.

However, when we say it quickly,

shake... it... off, it sounds like one word.

Shake it off.

Shake it off.

Okay? So please repeat after me

It's okay. Shake it off.

Your turn.

Very good! Okay now after my sentence:

We didn't get the contract.

That's right. Okay,

thank you. So please remember this for next time, okay?

Alright, our bonus question this week is another way to say:

Don't say to anyone.If you know what it is,

leave it in the comments below. If you don't know what it is,

it is somewhere in one of our previous Bizmates for beginners video lessons.

So let's see if you can find the answer.

Alright, everyone so that is it for me this week.

Thank you very much for watching. Have a great weekend, everyone.

I'll see you next time. Thank you.


