“Looking up”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 202

Looking up ってどういう意味?

Looking up は、「物事が好転してきた」という意味になり、よく”Things are looking up”という文章で使われます。



Looking up ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: How’s the project going? Are you still having a hard time?
You: No, actually, things are looking up.

Justin: プロジェクトはどうなっていますか?まだ厳しい状況ですか?
You: いえ、実はいい感じになってきました。


Looking up の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and welcome
to this week's Bizmates for Beginners

video lesson. Today everyone we are going
to learn the expression "looking up." So

what does it mean? How do we use it?
Let's find out in our video lesson today

everyone, but first as always, let's do a
quick review of last week's class.

OK everyone so imagine I say: You know, Ken's
project is behind schedule. And, of course

since you are his manager, you need to
make sure that Ken meets his deadline. So

what does he need to do? You have five
seconds to respond, okay everyone? You

ready? Alright go.

And time is up. If you
said "Yeah, he needs to step it up" then

that's exactly right good job and thank
you for remembering last week's

expression. OK everyone so moving on to
"looking up." Now this is what I sometimes

hear, okay I'm talking with my good
friend and colleague, Taro, and I'm asking

him about Ken's situation, alright so I say: Hey, Taro how

are things going with Ken's project? Last
week you mentioned he was a little bit

behind schedule. And Taro, he says: Yeah
he's working hard so it's becoming good

situation. OK I'm glad to hear that, Taro.
Yes, Ken must be working very hard.

OK so although this expression is fine,
I understand what Taro is trying to say,

we can use a more natural expression and that is...

yes that's exactly right he's

working hard, so it's "looking up." OK so
whenever things are getting better,

whenever things are improving,
things are looking up

okay everyone? Alright so the
pronunciation is very

simple, nothing special this week. It's as
you see it written here everyone, so it's

looking up. OK so please repeat after

It's looking up. Your turn.

Alright, very good. Now after my question:

How are things going with Ken's project?
Alright, yes he's working hard so it's

looking up. Perfect.
Alright so please remember this for

your review next week, okay everyone? So
our bonus question this week is another

way to say: "I am hurry." If you know what
the answer is leave it in the comments

below, if you don't know what it is but
you want to find out, you can check it

out in one of our previous Bizmates for
Beginners video lessons OK? Alright

everyone, so that is it for me this week
thank you so much for watching. As always

have a great weekend and I'll see you
next time. Thank you.


