“On the house”の意味と使い方 Bizmates初級ビジネス英会話 Point 206

On the house ってどういう意味?

On the house は「タダ」や「無料提供」という意味になります。直訳すると、「お店のおごり」です。

“Drinks are on the house!” = 「飲み物は全てタダです!」などと、よく映画のクラブやバーでのシーンで使われます。


On the house ってどういう場面で使うの?


Justin: Don’t we need to pay for refills?
You: Nope, refills are on the house!

Justin: あ、お代わりはお金を払わなくていいんですか?
You: お代わりはタダですよ!


On the house の自然な使い方を動画で学ぶ

こちらの動画で、発音や、会話の中での自然な使い方を、Bizmatesのプレゼンター Justinが解説します。


Hello everyone, Justin here and thank you
for tuning in to another Bizmates for

Beginners video lesson. This week
everyone we are going to learn the

expression "on the house." So maybe some of
you have heard this before and maybe

some of you haven't. So, we're going to go
through this today, so stay tuned to find

out what it means and how to use it. But
first, a quick question: Do you remember

last week's expression? If you said yes,
great because we're going to do a review.

If no, great because we're going to do a
review. So everyone imagine I asked you:

How are you doing with your next
proposal? So of course you are making

progress and your next proposal is going
well. So, how do you say that using our

expression from last week? I'll give you
five seconds okay? Are you ready?

Alright, go!

And time is up. If you said
"I'm making headway" then that's exactly

right. Good job everyone and thank you
for remembering last week's class.

OK so moving on to "on the house."
Now this is what I sometimes hear

okay so I am out at our local coffee shop with Taro

and you know we're talking about life, we're

talking about work and we're drinking
lots of coffee and I want another one.

I want another refill, so Taro he says:
Oh okay I'll I'll get you another refill.

And he goes to the counter. He comes back
and I forgot to give Taro money so I say:

Taro, sorry I forgot to give you money
for the refill. So, do we need to pay for

refills? And Taro he says: Nope, refills
are service! Great, okay so this is an

expression that I've heard used a lot
here in Japan -- "service." and unfortunately

it's a little bit difficult for people

haven't lived in Japan to understand
what this means.

So a more natural way of saying this is...
yes, that's right

"refills are on the house." Okay? Or you can
say "refills are free" okay? They don't

cost anything. So, they're "on the house."
So unfortunately "service" and "on the

house" ...the meaning, although it's the same.
it's quite difficult to make the

connection. So please be careful with
that expression and you can use this one

instead okay? So whenever something is
free or free of charge, it's on the house.

Alright everyone? OK so pronunciation,
it's as you see it written here this

week. On the house. Okay? So nothing
special, so please repeat after me:

Refills are on the house.
Your turn.

Exactly right. Refills are on the house.
OK now after my question:

Hey, sorry do we need to pay for refills?

OK, refills are on the house. Great. Okay
so please remember this for next time.

OK everyone? Alright, so our bonus
question this week is another way to say:

"I can finish something, something about
15 minutes later." If you know how to say

this in a more natural way, everyone
leave it in our comment box below; if you

don't know, well you can find the answer
in one of our previous Bizmates for

Beginners video lessons, so check it out
if you've got the time.

OK everyone, so that is it for me

this week. Thank you so
much for watching, as always. Have a great

weekend and I'll see you next time.
Thank you.


