Point 43 〝It’s my fault.” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第43弾は、“It’s my fault.” です。



“Why did we cancel the meeting?”と、聞かれて、

“I’m bad.”


“It’s my fault.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese business people.

And today's phrase is It's my fault.
It's my fault.

What does this mean?
We will find out, but first let's do our test.

OK, so you bought a new car.
And I say, so what color is your new car?

And you say,

That's right, it's bluish green.
It's not really blue, it's not really green.

It's kind of a in the middle.
It's bluish green.

Useful expression, OK.
I hope you got that.

OK, let's go to today's phrase.
It's my fault.

OK, but here's what I often hear.
So again Taro and I, we're colleagues.

And I say, Taro, why did we cancel the meeting?
We had a very important meeting.

And you canceled it.

And he says, Ah Yeah yeah.
Sorry, sorry, I am bad, I am bad.

OK, I can understand this.
Maybe he made a mistake or

I don't know what happened,
but he is bad.

But it's kind of strange.
I am bad, I'm a bad person.

You know, it's a little bit strange.
So, a more natural expression is like this.

So, if I say Taro, why did we cancel the meeting?
It's an important meeting, why did we cancel it?

And he says,
Ah, it's my fault.

Well, perfect.
It's his fault, his mistake.

Ah, it's my fault.
I have another appointment so I canceled it.

Like this perfect.
OK, so let's practice pronunciation.

It's not it's my fault, but it's my faul.
The T is really soft.

Yeah, it's my faul.
You try.

OK, good.
OK, let's try it with my question.

So, why did we cancel the meeting?

I see, OK.
Good, perfect.

All right, so for homework, next time I will ask you,
Hey, why did we cancel the meeting?

And you just say, Yeah, it's my fault.
My mistake, I'm sorry, it's my fault.

OK, so please practice this.
And we will see you in the next lesson. Thank you.

Thank you.


