Point 48 ”for sure” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第48弾は、”for sure” です。


ヒカに“Will you finish the report by Monday?” 「月曜日までにそのレポートって仕上げてもらえる?」

実は“Yes, I will.” 「はい、やります。」

“Yes, for sure.” 「もちろん、間に合わせるよ。」

コツは“Yes,”の後に少し間をとってから”for sure.”を付けるとより自然に聞こえます。

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for Japanese business people.

And today's useful phrase is
for sure.

For sure.
What does this mean?

Well first let's do our test.
Ok, so imagine we're colleagues.

And you were absent for our meeting.
You missed the meeting.

And I say, hey you missed a good meeting.
And you say...

Yeah. Can you fill me in?
Sure, I'll give you the details.

Perfect, yeah can you give me an update?
Just like that.

I hope you got that.
OK? All right.

Let's go to today's phrase, for sure.
Very short, what does this mean?

OK, well let's imagine, Taro and I are colleagues.
And Taro is writing a report now.

He is writing a report and I say to Taro,
Taro, will you finish the report by Monday?

It's very important. Will you finish it?
And he says, yes, I will.

OK, it's a perfect answer.
My question is will you?

So his answer is yes, I will.
But it's a little bit strong you know.

Yes, I will. You know it's...
If you say it wrong it could be a little bit direct.

Like he's angry.
Don't pressure me, I will finish.

Yeah, so just to make it a little bit more natural.
A little bit more casual, you can say this.

OK, so if I say Taro, will you finish the report by Monday?
And he says, oh yes, for sure.

OK, good. Thank you.
Perfect, yes for sure.

It means, yes of course I will.
Don't worry, I'll do it.

Yes, for sure.
It's kind of casual but very useful.

When speaking with your colleagues.
OK, OK so pronunciation.

It's yes, with a little pause.
Yes, for sure.

For sure.
You try.

Good, OK with my question.
Ah will you finish the report by Monday?

OK, good. Thank you.
Just like that.

OK, so for homework.
Next time I will ask you,

Will you finish the report by Monday?
And you just say, Yes for sure.

Just like that, OK.
So please practice this.

And we will see you next time.
Thank you.


