Point 53 ”Thanks for asking” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第53弾は、”Thanks for asking.” です。


ヒカは同僚のタロウに”Taro, How was your weekend?” 「週末はどうだった?」と聞きました。

“Very good.” 「よかった。」

“Great.Thanks for asking. How about you?” 「すごくよかったよ。聞いてくれてありがとう。あなたはどうだったの?」

Great.とThanks for asking.の後には間をとってから話しを続けてみましょう。
Howabou you?の発音もぜひビデオでチェックしてください。

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series for business people. And today's
phrase is thanks for asking. It's a nice,
short phrase this time. Thanks for asking.

What does this mean? We will find out. OK,
but first, let's do our test from our previous

lesson. Do you remember? OK, let's imagine
we are colleagues. And I ask you, where do

you want to go for lunch? Italian, French,
Chinese? And you say? That's right. If it's

OK with you, I'd like to go to the Indian
restaurant. If it's OK with you. Did you get

that? I hope so. OK, let's go on to today's
phrase. And that thanks for asking. Now, here's

what I usually hear. OK so, let's imagine
Taro is my colleague again. He's my colleague.

And I say Taro, how was your weekend? Did
you have a good weekend? And he says, very

good. Yeah, it's a nice, short answer. How
was your weekend? Very good. Yeah, but there's

not so much feeling in this. Yeah, it's just
very good, don't bother me. OK yeah. So, to

give it a little more feeling, OK, we can
say this. So I say, Taro, how was your weekend?

And he says, great. Thanks for asking. How
about you? Good and I say I had a great weekend

too. I went to the zoo... OK, so it's a simple
answer to a simple question. But to make it

a little more meaningful, you can say great.
Thanks for asking. How about you? OK, let's

practice pronunciation OK. So it's great with
a pause. Great. Thanks for asking. Pause.

And it's not how about you? But it's howabou
you? Howabou you? OK, let's try this. Great.

Thanks for asking. Howabou you? Good. Let's
try it one more time. OK. Great. Thanks for

asking. Howabou you? Excellent. OK, so for
homework, OK. Next time we meet, I will ask

you. How was your weekend? And you answer,
great. Thanks for asking. How about you? OK,

so please remember this. And we will see you
in the next lesson. OK, thank you.


