Point 61 ”Are you done with that?” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第61弾は、”Are you done with that?” です。


“And this is the last one.”「これで最後。」とハサミを使い終えようとしている様子です。

“Are you finished?”「終わり?」

“Are you done with that?”「終わったの?」


Hello, and welcome to this Bizmates for beginners
video series. And today's question is

are you done with that? Are you done with that?
What does this mean? We will find out.

But first, let's done our test. So imagine we
are in the office. The photocopier is broken.

And I say to you, what's wrong with the photocopier?
And you say, it's jammed. That's right.

It's jammed. The paper is stuck. OK, let's go on
to today's question. Are you done with that?

What is done? OK, here's what I often hear.
Imagine Taro and I are colleagues.

And I'm cutting, using scissors. And I say OK and
this is the last one. Done. And Taro says,

are you finished? And I say woah, yes I'm
finished. Go ahead. OK so he wants to use

the scissors. Right? So, this question is
OK but it sounds a little direct.

Are you finished? I'm waiting. You know. So, it's
not so good to use sometimes. A safer question,

a more natural question is like this.
OK, I'm cutting. And this is the last one.

And he says, are you done with that? Oh yeah
yeah yeah, sure go ahead. OK, it's a lot softer.

It means are you finished using the scissors?
Are you done with that? That's a softer way

than just are you finished? OK? OK. So let's
look at pronunciation. It's are ya, are ya

done with that? Are you done with that? Are
you done with that? You try. Good. One more time.

Are you done with that? OK, so for homework,
next time I see you, I'm cutting. And I will

say and this is the last one. And you ask
me, you say, Hika, are you done with that?

OK please remember this. And we'll see you
in the next lesson. Thank you.


