Point 67 ”What a relief!” 初級ビジネス英会話

初級者向けビジネス英会話 Bizmates for beginners 第67弾は、”What a relief!” です。


“Taro, the meeting is not today; it’s next Monday.”「タロウ、会議は今日じゃないよ。来週の月曜日だよ。」とヒカが言いました。そこで「あ~ホッとした。」と安堵を表現したい場合、あなたがタロウなら英語で何と言いますか?

“Oh, it is good news!”「お~それはいいニュースだ。」

“What a relief!”「あーホッとした。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates for
beginners video series

for business people. And today's

phrase is an exciting one.

It's what a relief! Hmm, relief.

What does this mean? Well, first we will

our test. Do you remember from the last

OK I bought this new jacket okay.

Then I say, I just bought this new jacket.

What do you think? And you say, yeah

Oh, it suits you. Thank you very much.

OK do you do you remember that? Yes?
OK let's go on to today's praise,

what a relief! OK but here's what I

hear. OK so let's imagine Taro

is in a panic. Taro is my colleague
and he's in a panic.

He's going oh my Goodness. Where's the paper?
Where's the document? Where's the agenda?

And I say, Taro, Taro, relax. The meeting is not

today, its next Monday.

And he says oh

it is good news! Hmmm

OK, it's a little bit strange here. OK so

Taro is very happy that the meeting is
not today.

And it's next Monday, but when we show,

you know, when we have a lot of stress,
but the stress

suddenly goes away because of some
good news,

we don't say it's good news. OK, it's very very

unnatural. It's it doesn't sound

right. OK but you could say this,

so if I say Taro, the meeting is not today;

it's next Monday. Don't worry. He says

ah, what a relief!

That's when we use this phrase.

What a relief! There's some kind of
pressure and it's

gone. I'm worried but

it's OK. Relief. What a relief!

OK, let's practice pronunciation.

It's what a, what a relief!

You try. Good OK with my sentence.

Hey Taro, the meeting is not today; it's next Monday.

OK so for homework.

Next time I'm going to say, hey the
meeting is not today;

it's next Monday. Relax. And you say,

That's right. What a relief!

Ah..., thank goodness. OK please remember this.

And we will see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


