Tip 103 “I wonder…” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第103弾は、“I wonder…” です。



“Do you think our sales will go up next month?”「来月の売上は上がるとおもいますか?」

“I don’t know.”「知らない。」

“I wonder…”「どうなんだろう。。。」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is I wonder.
And you gotta say it like that.

I wonder. What does it mean?
We will find out.

But first, let's do our test. OK.

So I'm gonna say,
Yeah you know, my wife and I had a big fight yesterday.

And you say...

Take it from me, just apologize to her.
Listen to my advice. OK. Take it from me.

I hope you got that. Hope you can use it in a
real situation. Next time you give advice, try this.

OK. Now let's go on to today's phrase.
I wonder. Hmmm...

Really useful phrase. OK. Because in the office,
do some people ask you questions

and you don't have the answer,
you don't know. And you don't really care

about answering. But if you say I don't know
or I don't care, it's rude.

In that case, we can use this. Let me show you.
This is what I often hear.

So if I ask Taro, you know Taro,
do you think our sales will go up next month?

And Taro is not really listening OK.
He's doing some other work, he's busy.

And I'm asking him, hey
do you think our sales will go up next month?

And he just says,
Hmm. I don't know.

Just like that. Well that I don't know
sounds like I don't care.

And I feel like, what?
Why are you being so rude? Yeah.

It doesn't sound good.
Hmm. I don't know.

OK. So what can we say in this case?
Well we can say something like this.

So if I say, you know do you think our sales
will go up next month? You think it'll go up?

And he says,
yeah, I wonder...

That's perfectly natural. It means, yeah
let me think about it. I don't know. Hmm.

But really, he probably doesn't care so much
because he's busy working, yeah.

Great phrase. It doesn't sound rude.
Someone asks you a question,

you don't know the answer and you don't,
you don't wanna bother researching it

and giving an answer, you just say,
yeah I wonder.

Then it sounds perfectly fine. OK. It means
I'm thinking about it, I don't have the answer.

OK. Let's look at pronunciation.
I wonder...

OK. But you gotta say it like you mean it.
I wonder... You try.

OK. Let me ask you the question.
So do you think our sales will go up next month?

Yeah, I wonder too.
OK, good. Did you get that? OK.

So for homework,

I'm gonna ask you. Hey,
do you think our sales will go up next month?

And you're too busy, you don't wanna answer.
OK, you don't know the answer.

So you say, I wonder...
Just like that.

OK. So we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


