Tip 182 ”see eye to eye.”無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第182弾は、”see eye to eye” です。



“Why don’t you like your new boss? What’s wrong?”
「なんで君は新しい上司が嫌いなの? 何かあったの?」とヒカはタロウに聞きました。


“Yeah, I don’t agree with his thinking.”

これでも伝わりますが、”thinking” は「考え方」という意味ではあまり使われませんので


“We just don’t see eye to eye.”



Hello and welcome to this Bizmates
words and phrases video series

and today's idiom is

see eye to eye.

What does this mean?
Eye to eye.

We will find out
but first let's do our test.

OK, so I'm gonna ask you:

Where did you buy your new bag?
It's very nice.

And you say...
that's right

You missed the boat. The sale is over.

OK, you missed your chance.
Hope you got that.

OK let's go on to today's idiom

see eye-to-eye.

Now let's imagine that I'm
talking to Taro, my colleague

And Taro doesn't like his boss.
He has a new boss

and he doesn't like him.
And I asked Taro:

Why don't you like your new boss?
What's wrong?

And Taro says:

Yeah, I don't agree with his thinking.

OK, this is okay.

The English is a little bit strange --
I don't agree with his thinking.

I don't agree with the way he thinks.
I don't agree with his ideas...

because "thinking" is not
used so often like this.

But I can understand
what he's trying to say.

You know, Taro's way of thinking
and his boss' way of thinking

are just completely different.
They just don't match.

OK? In that case, we can say this --
so I say:

Why don't you like your new boss?
What's the problem?

And he says:
We just don't see eye to eye.

Very natural!

You know there is always one
person in the office right

where you just...

the way you think or your personality
are just completely different

you just don't click.
You know, those kind of people.

Well, that's this situation.

You just don't "see eye to eye."

OK, lets look at pronunciation.

It's not "we jusT" but it's

We jus'...
We jus' don' ...

We jus' don' see eye ta eye.
We jus' don' see eye ta eye.

You try...

OK, with my question:

Why don't you like your new boss?

I see. Well that's too bad.

OK, perfect! For homework next time,
I'm gonna ask you:

Why don't you like your new boss?

And you say...
We just don't see eye to eye.

OK, please remember this and
we will see you next time. Thank you.


