industry leader ってどういう意味?無料ビジネス英語学習 Tip 2

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第2弾は、“industry leader” です。

「あの会社は業界NO.1です。」 と言いたい時に、日本人はそのまま
“They are the number one company in our industry.”

“industry leader” のような、よりナチュラルな表現を使えるようになると、


Hello, and welcome to this Bizmates words
and phrases video lesson for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's word is industry leader.
But before we start this, let's start our little test.

OK. So last time, we learned every now and then.
So tell me, what do you do every now and then?

Do you go drinking every now and then?
Do you play tennis every now and then?

Do you play golf every now and then?
What do you do?

OK, let's go to our word, industry leader.

Now, what I like about this
or these two words is it really sounds business.

Industry and leader.

And when you put them together,
and use this effectively you sound like ah

this person knows about business.
OK let's learn how to properly use this.

OK. So. You know I often ask people,
"Is your company or is MMB a big company?" And their answer is

oh yes, they are the number one company in
our industry. Perfect answer. No problems.

But number one is used in music, it's the number
one song, the number one singer.

It's used in sports; he's the number one player.
It's used by children; I'm number one.

You know, it's used everywhere.
It doesn't really have that business feel.

To give it a more business, natural feel,
we can use industry leader, like this.

So, is MMB a big company?

And you could say, "Oh yes, they're the industry leader."
Wow, I'll think wow this person knows business.

OK, let's try the pronunciation. Oh yes, with a pause.
Oh yes, they're the industry leader.

And the point is this one here. It's not the.
They are the. It's they're the. And it's a really soft the.

Oh yes, they're the industry leader.
So, you can almost not catch it.

Oh yes, they're the industry leader. You try.

OK. Is MMB a big company?

OK, very good. So for homework,

I want you to tell me who is
the industry leader in your business?

ABC company? BBB Company?

OK. So, for homework tell me next time.
OK, we'll see you. Thank you.


