Tip 42 ”It’s a bit wordy.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第42弾は、”It’s a bit wordy.” です。


例えば、できあがった新しい広告に対して 「ちょっと文字が多すぎると思います。」

この “wordy” = 「文章が長ったらしい」 という意味のワードを知らないと、

“I think there are too many words in it.”

もちろんこれでも伝わりますが、この “wordy” をつかって

“I think it’s a bit wordy.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is a good one.
It's a bit wordy. It's a bit wordy.

What does it mean?
We will find out.

But first, let's do our little test.
OK, we're colleagues and I say,

Yeah, you know I'm getting a little hungry.

Did you say that?
You want to grab a bite?

I hope so and then I will say sure let's go for lunch.
OK, so let's look at today's phrase.

It's a bit wordy. Have you heard of this?
Wordy with a y?

What does it mean?
OK, well let me show you an example first.

So, if I say you know we have a new advertisement,
a new poster OK, on the train or somewhere.

And I say, you know Taro,
I really like our new ad.

And he says, Yeah
I think there are too many words in it.

There's too much text, too many words,
which is OK, I completely understand. It's fine.

OK, nothing's... It's not even really unnatural either. It's OK.
But to give it a little bit more of a natural sound,

you could say this. If I say, Yeah Taro,
I really like our new ad. It's really nice.

And he could say, Yeah I think it's a bit wordy.
Wow, where did you learn that idiom?

It's a bit wordy.
OK and how to pronounce it?

Just like this. It'sabit wordy.
It'sabit. We put those together. OK.

Too many words, it's a bit wordy.
OK you try it. I think it's a bit wordy.

One more time, I think it's a bit wordy.
OK let's try it with my comment, OK.

Yeah, you know I really like our new ad.

You think so? So yeah, maybe you're right.
It is a little bit wordy.

OK, good just like that.
OK so for homework,

I want you to tell me something that is wordy.
OK it has too many words, the unnecessary words.

It could be someone's speech. It could be an email.
It could be a report,

but are too many unnecessary words.
It's a bit too wordy.

So tell me something that is wordy, OK.
We'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you.


