Tip 43 ”password protected” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第43弾は、”password protected” です。


“Can I access our database?” 「データベースにはアクセスできますか。」

“Yes, but you need to have a password to access this database.”

この “password protected” = 「パスワードで保護された」という意味を理解しておくことで

“Yes, but it’s password protected.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is an I.T. word.
I like this one, password protected.

What does it mean?
Well, we will find out.

OK but first let's do our test.
Tell me something that is wordy.

Something that you've seen, maybe a poster,
maybe an email, a report? What's wordy?

OK, too many words in it, unnecessary words.
Were you able to get that?

OK, let's go on to today's word, password protected.
What does it mean?

Very simple meaning. I hear this a lot.
You know example, Taro is my colleague and I say,

You know, we have this new data base.
OK, can I access our database?

I want to see it too. Can I access it?
And I ask him.

And Taro says,
Yes, but you need to have password to access this database.

Makes sense. Yeah OK, I need a password.
Give me the password. OK it's pretty long, isn't it?

If we could shorten this and make it
a little bit more natural, we can say this.

OK, instead of you need to have a password,
OK you could say...

So if I say, Taro, can I access our database?
He says, Yes but it's password protected.

Oh, then can I have a password?
Just like that. It's password protected.

Yeah, so it's one of those phrases that's really simple,
really useful because nowadays everything is password protected.

But to express it, I often hear my students say you know,
you need to have a password or ah...

The administration department needs to assign a password to you.
It's really long, so just password protected.

OK, let's look at pronunciation.
So it's yes with a pause. Yes butit's, butit's...

The "T" connects with "I", butit's,
butit's password protected.

OK, you try. Yes, butit's password protected.

One more time.
Yes, but it's password protected.

OK, let's try it with my question now.
So, can I access our database?

OK, can I borrow your password?
OK, just like that.

All right so for homework,
what is password protected in your company?

I'm sure a lot of things, but tell me a system, or some
sort of software that is password protected in your company.

You tell me next time.
I'm happy to hear that.

OK, so we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


