Tip 60 ”back-up plan” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第60弾は、”back-up plan” です。


“My dream is to start my own business.” 「私の夢は起業することです。」


“What if your business is a failure?” 「失敗したらどうするの?」


こんな時には、”back-up plan” = 「代替策(バックアップ計画)」という意味のフレーズをつかって、

“Well, what’s your back-up plan?” 「うーん、なにか(失敗した際の)代替策はあるの?」


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is a good business phrase,
back-up plan.

What does this mean?
Let's find out.

But first, we're gonna do our little test.
OK, do you remember the phrase we learned last time?

OK, I'm gonna ask you the question.
Well why are you asking me such difficult questions?

Did you say that? Yes? OK, I hope so.
It's a great phrase; use it in a real meeting.

OK, now let's go on to back-up plan.
You know, there's always plan A, plan B, plan C.

What is a back-up plan?
Well, here's what I often hear.

If I'm talking to Taro, my colleague, and I say, you know
Taro, my dream is to start my own business someday.

I wanna start my own business.
And he says, yeah, what if your business is a failure?

You know, what do you do?
OK, he's asking...

OK, it's a fair question; you know starting a business is a big risk.
So he's asking what would I do if it fails.

But is just, I don't know.
I doesn't sound too good. It doesn't sound positive

because he's using a negative word, failure.
What if your business is a failure?

So kind of want to avoid that.
Yeah, so instead you could say...

If I say, yeah you know my dream is to start my own business.
You could say, well, what's your back-up plan?

My back-up plan, well if the business isn't successful,
then I can do this or I will do this.

Yeah, I have a back-up plan.
OK, so that means some kind of plan

in case your original plan is not successful.
You have a back-up plan.

OK, it's great, you could use it in different situations.
All right so let's look at pronunciation.

What's your back-up plan?
And it's well. OK what's your back-up plan?

OK, so let's try with pronunciation.
Well, what's your back-up plan? You try.

Very good, OK, let's try it with my sentence.
You know, my dream is to start my own business.

Hmm... my back-up plan, yeah well I plan to do this.
OK, we also say what is your plan B.

Or what is your contingency plan is also OK.
A back-up plan.

OK, for homework, tell me
what is your back-up plan for your dreams?

What a great question huh?
Because we all have dreams. We want to live there.

We want to buy this. We want to do this.
But what if it doesn't work out?

What is your back-up plan for your dreams?
You tell me in the next video lesson, OK. Thank you.


