Tip 73 ”Have a good one.” 無料ビジネス英語学習

無料ビジネス英語学習 Words & Phrases 第73弾は、”Have a good one.” です。


“I’m going home. Good night.” 「家に帰るね。では。」

“OK, bye-bye.”

これでも問題はないのですが、”bye-bye” はかなりカジュアルで、

逆に “Good-bye” は、同僚に対してつかう表現としては


“OK, have a good one.”


Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases
video series for Japanese businesspeople.

And today's phrase is have a good one.
Very natural. Very simple.

What does it mean?
Let's find out.

But first, let's do our test.
Remember when I apologize to you what do you say?

I'm sorry I didn't CC you on that e-mail.

Ah, it's no big deal.
Did you get that?

OK, so try using this in your office,
Next time they apologize,

hey, it's no big deal.

All right. So have a good one.
What does it mean?

What's that one? Have a good car?
Have a good vacation?

OK, what does it mean?
Have a good one.

OK, well this is what I often hear.
So Taro and I are colleagues.

And I say, OK, Taro
I'm going home. Good night.

And he says,
OK, bye-bye.

OK, which is OK. But bye bye,
to be honest. I hear it a lot OK.

And ah, it it sounds a little bit childish.
You know,

bye bye. It's like children's English.
A little bit.

OK, it's very very casual.
Bye bye.

Good-bye is actually a little bit formal now.

Yeah, it's a little bit too formal.

So, a more natural ah way to say good-bye
to someone, like your colleague,

is this. If I say,
Taro, I'm going home. Good night.

And he says,
OK, have a good one.

And that one actually means night.
Have a good night.

So same as good night
Have a good one.

OK, so next, you could use this every day.
OK, I'm sure you could use it with anyone. Have a good, have a good one.

So let's practice pronunciation.
OK, havea. OK, havea good one.

OK, you try.
OK, havea good one.

One more time.
OK, havea good one.

All right, did you get that?
OK, so next time we meet

I'm gonna say,
I'm going home. Good night.

And you just say,
OK, have a good one.

All right. And use this in your office.
You have many opportunities to use this one.

OK we'll see you in the next lesson.
Thank you.


