【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「形容動詞」Bizmates Grammar 36 #18



(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank A Lesson 19で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

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① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


She is a very good writer.
I'm so excited for the holidays!
He drives carefully.
I’m a really organized person.
The presenter speaks clearly.
The seminar went smoothly.
I seriously need to take a break.
That's quite funny!
He talks loudly.
Sam left immediately after the meeting.
You can speak a little more loudly.
He is trying so hard.
They negotiated aggressively.
The CEO delivered his speech so persuasively.
It happened too quickly.
The article was poorly written.
Great job for completing it so quickly.
Warren is highly respected in the company.
Tony is officially the new manager.
I accidentally deleted the files!
Sales are fairly low this quarter.
They seem very motivated.
The book was so insightful.
I'm not a really good tennis player.
You're performing really well.
My Internet connection is very weak today.
He's gradually improving.
It's extremely cold outside.
He walks confidently.
It's not so warm anymore.
Could you briefly tell me what happened?
They accepted the offer willingly.
I'm not really following.
I barely got enough sleep.
Why are you so quiet?
We can fix this easily.
Our profits have increased sharply since April.
Could you check ASAP?
She's handling the job pretty well.
I'm not so tired.
The old office was too small.
Wasn't that a little too far?
We deeply apologize for the confusion.
It was quite a long day!
He shared his thoughts openly.
My back hurts so bad!
Was the goal clearly stated?
It's abolutely necessary.
They politely declined the offer.
He looks really busy.
You're very early today!
She gets pressured easily.
We got approval quickly this time.
Things are moving very slowly.
We need to get things done fast.
It's a really good deal.
We need to think about it seriously.
It's too good to be true.
Please listen carefully.
They seem really satisfied with our service.
I'm so glad to hear that.
My boss is very friendly.
I'll be a little late.
He greeted us warmly.
I feel we are treated fairly.
Please work more efficiently.
Is it too late to make some changes?
The deadline is coming up soon.
The project was planned well.
These are absolutely free!
Lisa is really good with numbers.
Yuri is very committed to her job.
The project ran smoothly.


