【英語学習者向け 英文法10分聞き流しでマスター 】「 期間と時期」Bizmates Grammar 36 #23



(Bizmates Program Level 1 Rank B Lesson 5で学ぶ内容と連動したインプット用動画コンテンツです)

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① 文章の音声を聞いて、
② 音声と同じ発音と発話スピードで言えるようになるまで声に出して(小声でもOK)リピート!
③ 全てつっかえずに一息で言えるようになるまで1日1回のペースで続ける


Yoshi was in R&D for a long time.
I was studying German for 2 years in college.
The meeting started an hour ago.
I talked to Ken a few minutes ago.
I lived in Singapore for a year.
I went jogging for an hour and a half.
How long ago did you start jogging?
I bought a new book a few days ago.
The meeting went on for 2 hours.
I worked in the Tokyo branch for a year.
How long ago did you start studying English?
How long did the conference last?
We were friends in school.
We had a Q&A for 10 minutes.
I lived in Australia for half a year.
I worked on my proposal for almost a week.
Weren't you in Marketing a year ago?
It was on my desk a moment ago.
We had a nice chat for a few minutes.
I started doing yoga not so long ago.
We went hiking the whole day.
I studied French for 6 months.
The counseling lasted for 25 minutes.
I worked on this design for hours.
We were waiting in line for 2 hours.
I heard about the news weeks ago.
Was it a long time ago?
He paid a visit several months ago.
We talked for hours.
How long did it take to read everything?
How long were you at your last company?
I was thinking about it for a long time.
We were working on it for a long time.
I filed for a 3-day leave.
Jen and I waited for nearly 3 hours.
They filed for bankruptcy a year ago.
I was playing football 10 years ago.
We went on a trip to Spain a year ago.
I only stayed there for a night.
We hired 2 new employees 3 months ago.
Weren't you with Kate a while ago?
We launched a new product a month ago.
How long was the meeting?
Your client called a few minutes ago.
The contract was good for 2 years.
I was on vacation for a week.
It rained for 3 days.
They argued for hours!
Carrie worked here for 35 years.
They left an hour ago.
Our company was founded 50 years ago.
How long was the flight?
We were business partners for a decade.
The project ran for a year.
We discussed for 3 hours straight.
We started working from home a year ago.
I was working on the task for a day or two.
The project ended a month ago.
We had a meeting an hour ago.
I waited for his reply for almost a week.
How long were you in LA?
I was doing research the whole day.
I met him 12 years ago.
I joined my company 6 years ago.
I slept for 5 hours last night.
I was busy a while ago.
We met with the client 2 weeks ago.
Sarah got promoted to manager a year ago.
I had to work overtime for months.
I logged in 10 minutes ago.
We reorganized the team a few months ago.
How long were you living abroad?
I took a nap a while ago.


